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Would there be peace without a war?

What about peace? When Micheal Jackson sang years ago about burning earth, we were stunned as kids. We wanted to save our world. Yet again we are at the edge of a nuclear war.

What about sunrise? What about rain?

What about all the things that you said we were to gain?

What about killing fields? Is there a time?

What about all the things that you said was yours and mine?

It is time to rethink what went wrong after all. Maybe it's not individually you responsible for anything. Collectively we are. To understand peace and war we will look at the problem in a big picture.

war plane into a cloud

In 100 years into the future.

Imagine there is a war next few decades. I'm sure there will be so much of death and destruction, if it happened to be a world war, far beyond what we have seen in the last century. Deaths would be staggeringly high in numbers, which would not be compared to a pandemic in a serious scale. As our weapons are more powerful and more destructive, even the earth would take some time to recover. We would pollute our atmosphere with dust and smoke and acid together with nuclear waste, that consequences would still prevail for more than 100 years. Hopefully, we would be at peace in 100 years. Of course, you and I would be in a different kind of peace by that time, yet humans will prevail. Our loved ones will remain, and they will carry on another 100 years of peace, maybe 1000 years as lessons are hard learnt.

Of course we might wipe out ourselves from the face of earth, in a mega scale war. If it happens the earth will revert back to animals only planet and, it will be in peace. The God's will also be in peace as there is no need to track stupid human beings to see what stupid thing that they would do next.

a tank on dirty road

In 1000 years, into the future.

Peace would remain 1000 years, and generations will slowly forget the craters we created on our planet earth. And there will be greed for power, evil will rise again pulling the strings of innocent into another war.

Of course this is imagination. I am not a predictor of the future. And if you think about this yourself, you will see, it is not difficult at all. If we look into the past 1000 years history of any country, there has been times of war, followed by times of peace, times of chaos followed by times of silence (we can use this to predict the future). We were just lucky that we were not born in times of war and chaos, somebody else did. And we are not sure what is there ahead for our children. Really speaking either is possible, in 1000 years there can be either war, or peace (if you consider individual country). It is just like the famous cat in the box thought experiment by Schrodinger.

red army war poem

Would there be peace without a war?

Now let's think about peace, prevails without war. There has not been a war for 10000 years, or even more. There are no written records of it. No one has seen war, and no one has thought about it. Would you call it peace? Of course, from our point of view there is peace. Yet if you are born in that world there would be no name for it. At least the concept of peace would not be there as there is no war to compare it with. They would be in peace, without knowing it is peace. Again, this is hypothetical.

Now we have enough insight to formulate what we have to do.

What is our responsibility?


Individually you cannot do anything about the war. Only thing you can do is try to survive if it comes at your door. And try to be in peace as long as possible.


Collectively we have a huge responsibility to keep the peace as long as possible. Either as two, three, a group, a family, a political party or a country, or even as the whole human race, it is our duty to keep peace. It is inevitable we fail at some point, but that is nature.

a poppy flower

In summary

  • War and peace are a pattern which repeat throughout the history.

  • We are just lucky to be born in times of prevailing peace.

  • It is our responsibility as collectively to keep the peace last long as possible.

  • War seems to be inevitable.

Thank you for reading Would there be peace without a war?

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