It is a painful subject to talk about it, the pain. However, it is essential and practical to know because a life without pain is only an unrealistic dream. Here I am trying to talk about mental pain, and in its worst form. It is totally from my experience as I am not referencing any books or articles. So, there can be a subjective bias to it. Hence your comments are always welcome.
What is the worst kind of pain?
The worst kind of pain is when you care about someone, and you cannot share it.
That is too general a statement, and I can show you it applies to variety of situations. We are a social species. We have sense of ownership and relationship to all others around us. That's why we are worried about someone else being killed in a battle in somewhere distant in the world. Even these feelings are spread across other animal species as well. However, when we feel attachment to someone and if we cannot show it to them, we feel pain. It may be very subtle or if your sense of attachment is larger, pain will be greater. And trust me it can be overwhelming in some cases.
Loss of a loved one - you cannot ever meet them to show, how much you care.
Relationship breakups- especially if you are still caring it can be more painful to one than the other.
It may be fine if you can express it some way. But sometimes situations do not allow us to express our grief. Following analogy helps to understand.
Imagine yourself diving off a ship with a cannon ball on your hand, you will start to descend so fast into the sea, as the cannon will drag you faster. What would be the outcome, inevitably after a certain depth, there will be no chance of coming back ever into the water. Only way to survive is to release the cannon first. Then hopefully you can swim back to the surface. However sadly, you are the only one who can do that as you are the one who is holding the cannon.
Now I have given you the answer to how to overcome such a pain. It's not a matter of guilt. It's a matter of survival. Only way is let it go. Easier said than done when you do not know how deeply you are in love with the cannon. But wisdom will help one day if you are aware of it. Remember it, Loose the cannon, before it is too late. Because after some depth you will never make it to the top alive even if you lose it.
Thank you for reading worst kind of mental pain and how to overcome it.
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