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Why Faliure is path to success?

Why it is right to get wrong? Lightening

When it is a storm, rarely we get chance to observe lightening. Until we developped fully equipped video cameras, which can capture ligtening, in slow motion we did not appriciate what is happening. Now anyone can watch it in youtube. And if you see, the super charged particles in the rain clouds, initially try to find optimal path by sending small streaks of charged particles. And often they end up in no where. And after such faliures suddenly it detects the correct route and "Bam" all the energy is unleashed and we can see and hear from 10 miles away. So, even lightenning gets it wrong in the first attempt!

Maze runners.

Have you seen maze navigator games contest? These robot enthusiasts get together once a year to choose the winner of the best maze navigator Mouse. It's interesting, before the proper run the mouse is given chance to navigate the maze. And they often end up in dead ends. But, this wrong data is used by the mouse to detect optimal and the best route to its target in the proper run. Isn't it amazing, to know the sucess of a maze winner is determined bt the failures? I don't think anyone would appriciate this.

Why faliure is path to success?

In life we fail sometimes. If you are 1/10000 who did not yet, it may be there in your future as well. I am not discouraging or bringing bad luck. If you ask JK Rowling or Mark Suckerberg, or anyone else who is considered successful, will tell that there is no secret formula. Or magic seven steps to success. It is sheer hard work combined with inherent passion and tiny drop of luck from the universe. And guess what most often it comes after 100 such faliure attempts. Well you might disagree showing me a pilot. Faliure to land a plane would end up in a crash. Yet I cannot agree, I am sure all of the pilots did fail in their simulation landings. And only after repeated attempts they learn how to achieve that 100% success and confidence. And that goes to everyone who is at the top of their game. And this is the reason why faliure is the path to success.

As you can see I use the word game deliberately because we infact are really playing the gigantic game. Sometimes as individuals, sometimes as races, sometimes as nations, sometimes as species. But we are so much involved in this game so much so that we have forgotten we are just playing. Only criminals lawyers and occasional philosophers know that it is a game. Maybe some few elite politicians and crazy rich 😜 Asians come under this category. But for the commoners like you and me, we do not even know we are playing the game. Why?

It's because our parents and teachers did not know this wisdom. If they knew they would tell us, or better teach us it is ok to fail an exam. Because it is just a stupid game we humans inherently play as adults. Important thing is to identify which game is you are good at and go there and play till you die. In that game, there would be no faliures as you are doing it not to win. And it can be simple things like feeding chicken in a chicken farm. Hapiness can be there if you love it!

Do you think Einstein did mathematics because he wanted money?

Do you think Pablo Picasso painted because he wanted to be famous?

Do you think elon send rockets because he wants to burn tonnes of money?

Maybe 10% of it is true. Yet 70% it is due to the fact it is their passion. So faliure does not matter in places where your satisfaction comes from passion. So if faliure stops you from doing something, maybe you should start doing something else. After all the life begins at 40 according to some hence you are never late.

Let's move onto some philosophical aspects now. Inherently we will talk about death. 

Games that we play will end at death. Just like that poof.. gone. Everything you love will vanish, and even if you came from afterlife nobody would even agree the decaying body is yours anymore, so much so all the valuebles we collect. If you become a ghost even your friends and family would run away, unless you are a friendly ghost like casper. So even if we look at the faliure from this point of view, you would understand faliure does not matter as we all are doomed anyway. But why not reach the clouds before you fall back on earth?

The second point I wanted to show you is if you look at your life from a one second after your death, even the success would not matter? Did you see that?

Our eyes are not used to see this fact because we are always looking at life from this side of death. We are unable to visualise ourselves after death. There is good chance that all the materialistic and spiritual ties to this life would be cut off at our death. When we understand this I find it easy to comprehend the mentality of seekers of truth. I see nons, priests, monks and countless others, give up their burden of involvement of persuit of happiness of the game our society in search of a truth. And I see they also start to play their own game without understanding what is happening. Some end up not bathing for years, some end up doing meditation under trees. Some end up coming back to the same place found nothing. And some I can see smile, when they realise 😄 it's all the fool the same. You carry your own fool to the palace, to the forest and to the Mars, and you would not find happiness or peace. Unless you know you are constantly being fooled by your mind even looking for virtue in a world of nothingness.


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