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Why Elon Musk shouldn't land on Mars?

You may have the same question, or something similar. Although I oppose Elon Musk landing on the mars, I have no doubt he would succeed. But we can look at the same problem from different angle. I am also excited about 2029 where we will land on Mars!

On superficial level following are a few of many reasons why we shouldn't land on Mars. At least Now. Next, we will try to figure out what problem Elon Musk is trying to solve.

Rocket going to Mars

Reasons for not to land on Mars.

  1. It is Expensive, as we all know money is scarce resource. It is estimated that we will be looking at 100 billion to 10 trillion dollars to build a city on Mars. Imagine how many cities we can build on our own planet.

  2. Humanity still seems not immediate danger from a threat from the space. Yes, there can be some things like extreme climate changes and increase in heat, or a disease which can wipe out humanity out of the planet earth. However, if these threats are real Shouldn't we try to find out solutions by allocating our resources on experiments and developments on these lines?

  3. We are not using everything the planet earth have to offer us. There is still space to grow trees and build cities. We are still not united as a single species on earth to tackle the problem of habiting another planet. Are we going to fight for a land On Mars by 2059?

  4. Let's us not forget our true responsibility as affluents is not to follow every dream but to realize our responsibility for fellow humans. Singers Famine relief argument is a good starting point of our moral obligations.

  5. Just because we could do something we shouldn't be do it.

Mars in space

Those are my main reasons for not to think about Mars at this point in time. Yet I cannot tell still whether it is a good or bad Idea. As it looks bad Idea today actually this mission itself may unite all human beings in the future somehow and think as "Earthers "than individual nations and races. Or it might develop research to change our climate crisis as we learn how to change a total new planet. Time will tell us what is there in future.

More importantly let us hear what Elon is thinking when he decided to look for Mars.

"I think this is an incredibly important thing for the future of life itself ... there's always some chance that something could go wrong on Earth. Dinosaurs are not around anymore!" -EM

"Life can't just be about solving problems," Musk said. "There have to be things that inspire you, that move your heart. When you wake up in the morning, you're excited about the future."

Now, that is interesting, and it seems Elon is just as we are. He tried to figure out the meaning of life. And during which he was excited about the idea of conquering the sky and landing on Mars to prepare ourselves for the doom's day. Just like I am excited in building my blog. He is excited building massive things. Just because he can. I would like to imagine things too. Let's imagine he figured out the meaning of life with some information. And if he did, he would never even think about landing on Mars. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he would not and that will change lives of many others around the world as he is very influential by power.

Our planet earth

The problem Elon trying to solve is meaning of his life.

Instead of looking at the sky for answers I would suggest we should look inside ourselves and ask the question "Who am I?" and be not satisfied until we get it correct. It would save us a billion dollars in the future, if you happened to become a wealthiest man on the planet.

There is no way out, other than to fly

Fly like a bird, an airplane a rocket into the sky

And rise above the problems of life

Once you are done, it's time,

Time To look back at them and smile

And never succumb to gravity

Ever again.

a man rowing a boat in tropical river marshland

Thank you for reading: Why Elon Musk shouldn't land on Mars?

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