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Why do we write. - Lessons from Trojan war

Achillis and Trojan War.

The great warrior Achillis the son of Nereid Thetis and Peleus, is one of the greatest warlords of the Greek mythology. He fought fiercely in the Trojan war and slayed the opponent prince Hector outside the gates of the Troy. He himself was succumbed to the death at the end of the war, with a deadly arrow to his heel, ending the legend of Achillis. If you haven't watched the movie Troy, I suggest you have a look, where Achillis is pictured perfectly with bravery by Brad Pitt. There, in the movie Achillis reveals his reasons for fighting.

He did not fight for his king

He did not fight for his country

He did not fight for his friends or family

He did not fight for the feeling of victory

He fought for a legend. why?

Trojan war

Why did Achillis choose legend as a reason for his fighting?

Because he knew that, kings, would not last long, Neither boundaries, nor countries, not even family and friends, not even victory. But legend will last longer, maybe centuries, and in his case, it lasted thousand and more years! He was right! And who made is possible for Legend of Achillis last for thousand years? Not by himself of course, but by story tellers. Story tellers took the task into their hands and kept the legend alive until it was written in books. Painted on walls and sung in songs. Now we hear the Achillis and continue to watch him alive in movies.

Why do we write?

There lays one important reason for writing. I can give you benefits of writing, a full list. Like all other articles do. But I believe one good reason is enough for you to start writing. Look at all the thoughts you had today. They will fade away with time, completely forgotten and buried by Duenes of dust of time. Once forgotten they will dissolve and never be found again. There may be treasures that humans can thrive, unless of course. Unless of course you write them down, sing a song or paint it on a wall, nobody would ever see. Not even you will know. That I think, is the most important reason for you to write about it. Make it written in rock solid words, that vague idea, in a blog, in a journal or in a novel, crafted in perfection. Write a mini essay like I call it. Sing a song about it like Anna Kendrick did. It doesn't matter you are a cook in a forgotten busy kitchen, facing the dumpsters in the alley in a crowded city. Your perspective is unique.

I've got my ticket for the long way 'round

Two bottle whiskey for the way

And I sure would like some sweet company

And I'm leaving tomorrow. What'd you say?

When I'm gone, when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my hair

You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

-Anna Kendrick Cups song

Truth is you would not be missed, unless you write a song about it. People are busy, they rarely find time to concentrate on others. Unless your words are copied in thousands nobody will look at it. But it will matter to you. It will be your legend. You can come back and see how it evolved. How you battelled in your Trojan wars in the past and Won!


Do not be a crow.

Make it easy others to discover. As your mind is the most difficult place to hide something. Have you seen crows or squirrels. I have seen, when they find some tasty food, they go and hide it in some place. Often in pockets of banana leaves, and they forget. They never comeback, and it becomes rotten in a few days. What a waste! So, I suggest you learn the lesson. Forget you have been a crow or a squirrel and make it last a little longer than the few months from your funeral.


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