Sometimes people do not like to talk about death. So, I have decided to write about writing. I have decided to write about why I write and to explore more on why I do anything at all.
Why do you do what you do?
Let's imagine you are a builder. You lay bricks, to build houses. You have been doing this for years and you will continue to do this. Why?
Simple answer is for wages. We need money to buy food and medicine, basic needs from thousands of other expenses. If someone has, food shelter and medicine, they can live even without wages.

You may have different answers, among others. Let's imagine you inherited a fortune. Or saved a lot of money you do not have to earn anymore. Still, you may do some work. From the morning till night. Even to take the food, which is on the table, you have to do some work to get it into your body. You have to get up from the bed and clean yourself when you become unclean. You have to move yourself even on your bed, otherwise you will be having a bed sore. Of course, you will do some work which are not necessarily for living, like some leisure time activities, social functions. But it doesn't change the fact that you have to work daily to maintain a living.
So, I started by saying I would not write about death. Yet, this question inevitably leads us to death. Simply because to keep on living, we have to work.
What about avoiding things? Sometimes we avoid things which are unpleasant for us. trying to avoid something, is also a form of doing, as it also needs to be with effort and energy. So really speaking there is only doing.

Here I will summarize what we have put forward so far before moving on as it can be somewhat confusing.
In summary
Everyone has to do something every day to avoid death and continue living.
If you do not do things you do, you would die in days.
Avoiding things is not non doing.
On non-doing things.
Now let us imagine a state of non-doing. It will be very hard to imagine as we do not know such a state prevails. Let's say such prevails. I can show this with an example. Imagine there is a person who has lost value of doing and avoid doing. For him or her living and nonliving would not matter. He would have nothing to gain, nothing to lose. It would appear he is doing things, yet he is not doing things, as always formal doing of things is associated with gains or losses hence value. To understand this concept, you would need to understand where the value of things come from. (Values are given to mental objects by our minds, you can read about this more in here.)
The if such a state prevails, would you choose that over doing things? Or would you still greed over mental values of your mental objects?

More insights.
More insights can be gained on the same subjects when we ask the question, "who is doing things?" That is another way to lose the value of things but this time starting from inside out. You can read more on this point of view here.
Key Idea: Why do I write? Why do I do anything? mindfulness and non-doer.
Understanding the values of things, values of doings, and asking questions about who I am? will help us in turn in understanding futile nature of pendulum of life. To become a non-doer.
Thank you for reading: Why do I write? Why do I do anything? mindfulness and non-doer.
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