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Who owns the laptop, who owns anything.

While I was working on the laptop, my daughter asked me "Father, who owns that Laptop?" It startled me. Yes, I bought it from the shop. It should be mine, right? There should be no confusion about the ownership. If I bought it, it should be mine. And here is the philosophy on ownership.

Who owns the laptop - The case of Laptop.

If someone came here and told, that laptop is not mine, but theirs, how can I prove It is mine? Well, in front of a court, I will have to prove, that I bought it, receipts with my name on it. And I can build a case, that inside the memory of laptop, there will be photos of mine, so many documents of mine, and I can even tell, that the worn-out parts of the machine. I can show, old photographs showing, me working with the same laptop. Basically, I will have to give loads and loads of evidence to prove the laptop belongs to me beyond reasonable doubt. And mind you in the case of laptop, it will be easy, but if it is a copywrite issue or something, about ownership of a land, it will be far difficult even with expert witnesses. Hence, I would leave that to our good lawyers to prove the point.

Philosophy of ownership

Who owns the body - The case of the body.

Now imagine, you are Infront of the court, Judge and to prove the point that the body you own, is yours. We all agree that the body, is just a possession of ours, not entirely "me". It is arguably part of me. Some would say as important as the mind, but the body would not feel anything without your 'Mind'. Hence, how can we prove it is mine. You can argue that since you were born, you have been living in this body. Nobody ever did visit you or claim your body. But the opposite will argue that of course you have been living in your body. But so does a prisoner, A prisoner lives in a prison, since his imprisonment, yet he doesn't own the prison cell. It is owned by the state. Imagine, you were only one cell in your mother's womb at some point in your life. You did not bring all the rest of the 'Mass' from wherever you came from. Hence, the body you possess is almost entirely made out of the environment. Even the first cell, was developed as from the part of the nature. So, except your consciousness or the soul, you did not carry anything. So, you just stole, some atoms form the environment and claim it is yours. Aren't you feeling guilty, in front of nature's court to claim it yours?

Philosophy of ownership

Who owns anything- Case of your mind.

Now, imagine you agreed that it is wrong, that the body, entirely belongs to the nature. And you try to sneak away, with your mind. Thinking at least I saved my mind. And you are not allowed to go from there. You are produced to the supreme court of nature. And the judge this time asks you weather you are guilty or not guilty claiming the 'mind' yours. And the lawyers start questioning.

Did you say the mind is yours?

Yes I did

Then you agree, you are not your mind?

No I did not say that.

So, do not confuse me, you said, you own the mind. Like the mind is a separate entity. Are you telling you are not a separate entity who owns the mind?

No I am the mind. Mind is me.

What is it? Are you a mind or you are just you with no mind? Do you agree, there is just nothing called mind?

I don't know. You are confusing me. What I said was, I feel something is there, so I call it my mind. Maybe I just imagining myself about a mind.

Ok, how do you know you are there?

Because I see, I hear, I smell and I feel, I taste, and I touch and I think.

So, you say, you do 'seeing' 'hearing' 'smelling' 'feeling' 'tasting' and 'thinking'. You say it like a separate you are doing these things. Like there is a separate 'you' in you doing those things. So, can you tell me who are you without these six things, that you are doing?

Hm... why do you ask me all these questions. Let me go home and rest. Let 'me' Think.

Guilty My lord. This man Is guilty of not telling the truth !

And there lies the verdict for us on 'who' owns anything.

Philosophy of self


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