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Where is my right - Time at north pole.

Where is my right?

I took a walk with my daughters the other day. Just to get our legs, straightened. They were running all over the road. And although there was no traffic, possibility of a vehicle, was there, hence I had to teach them. Walk, on the pedestrian's side of the road. I asked them to walk on the right side of the road. Easy, and we climbed the hill. And on our way back, they were walking on the left side of the road. And when I told them the right side of the road is on the other side now, they questioned. "Why father, just before you told us the right side is this side, now you are telling otherwise?" Of course, I had to explain them the right side is 'relative' to our body. So, the road, does not have a right side, it is just a convention made by humans. Nope, I did not discuss the deep philosophy laid behind this with them. But surely, I wrote it down here. So, one day they could read and understand, if they are curious.

Not only the right side of the 'road' is a convention, but right side of anything is also just a convention. Imagine a car, where is the right side of it? It depends, right? It depends on which side you are directed.

Time at north Pole

Now answer this question. What is the time in your part of the world right now? So, everyone will say a different time depending on where the 'time zone' is. And we have made up these timelines so we can function, in a universal scale. But it is arbitrary, really speaking there is no time. Oh, I know you have a question. I am not lying here. I can make your time disappear without changing your time zone. Imagine you take a walk, towards north pole, staying in the same time zone, and obviously at the north pole, at the exact point, all the time zones converge into a single point. And at this point, there is not time. And this is called not time zone, as it makes no sense.

Time at north Pole

We can expand on this observation a little more to understand the relative nature of 'time zones'. What is the difference between north pole and the place where are you now? Imagine the earth is a giant ball. And if there are not any landmarks, there are no difference between two points on the surface, except where they are relative to each other on the surface. But in your mind, add a light source from a distance, and rotate the ball. Just like the earth moving around the sun. Now, there is a difference. There appears, day and night and time zones. Hence, time on our earth is relative thing, related to the movement of the earth around the sun and on itself. Agreed?

Time at north pole

Previously I wrote an article to illustrate the relative nature of numbers. Can you see a pattern here? A pattern that is hidden behind layer of our imagination?

Right side of a car is a relative truth

Time zones are a relative truth

Numbers are a relative truth

A watch is a relative truth

Is this true for everything? Is everything a man-made relative truth? If you want to know more about these simple relative truths about life. I suggest you read the Great experiment. Thank you for taking a tour to the north pole.


  • The North Pole doesn’t have a specific time zone because all lines of longitude converge there. This means it technically exists in all time zones simultaneously.

  • Since there are no permanent human settlements, explorers and researchers at the North Pole often choose a time zone that is convenient for their operations, such as the time zone of their home country or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

  • There seems, many things we observe in life, are man-made conventions. Are all of them relative? is a good philosophical question.


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