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What would you delete from earth? What is unnecessary?

Crows and the earth.

It's a hot sunny afternoon. Crows have gathered around a pool in the middle of the ground. Yesterday it was raining. Entire day's effort of tropical sun couldn't evaporate it all, leaving plenty for the crows to have a bath. I was wondering what they felt. Individually they must be feeling happy and content. They do not make a big noise like when they are hungry. I am sure they all are happy with their lunch and how the day went so far. 

Birds by a pond in a grassy area, some drinking and others standing. Rocks and trees in the background under a clear sky.
Crows having a bath.

Instead of thinking about crows, I took a moment to appreciate the water hole and the ground. It seems obvious to me the water and the ground doesn't feel anything about it. They are just there. Just like earth without any judgement. Water doesn't care who bathes in it, who drinks it or who is going to fight about it. It exists without knowing it exists. Crows on the other hand suffer from the sun. And they have enormous value for water as it is necessary for their existence. 

What if there is no consciousness in the universe? Not even God himself. I can only imagine. I am not entirely sure earth would exist. Just the way it is without knowing its existence. Only I can tell if I am there to observe it is true or not. And it made me realise it doesn't matter. In this life all I have done is looking at things existence, and keeping this consciousness to observe more in every passing minute. And it doesn't make sense. Earth would not care if all the crows are not there, as earth doesn't have ability to think. Crows on the other hand do care, and that is what their constant noise suggests.

What will you delete from earth? From twitter.

Just the other day someone from twitter asked what would you delete if you can, from earth. What is the one thing you would not want to continue?

Answers obviously were numerous. Unexpected and chaotic. And without proper reasoning. I would list out some answers that show you something common to all of them.




Sex toys



Central banking








Democrats (may be too much)

And the list kept going on. Can you tell me one thing common to them? As you can see these are all answers to some problems. But not all of them. Deleting sounds is a solution for noise, but would create more problems on roads. Deleting poverty would be a solution but some would not like to sacrifice their comfort. Can you see?

But if you have followed the above crow argument we can say that Deleting the knower, would be a good choice. Because the earth would not care even if every life perished on it. It's only our illusion of Persistence that makes us suffer in this world as we have to try hard to keep it alive. Infact few of them answered as they would delete themselves. And I couldn't help asking them why as I did not know they were referring to self harm. Self harm is not a solution. Non existence is not self harm or death. We really do not know death would solve any problems; it might make everything worse, or good. (Sausage Party)

Philosophical answer.

But as you can see, if the knower, and the knowing did not exist, there would be no problem. So it is utmost important we  examine the true nature of the knower as answers to all our problems are there. That is the root cause of all the problems that earth does not have! If the massive earth exists without any problem, or worry about its birth and death. Why should I?

Maybe I am just nature's mistake, which is unnecessary, excessive and bizzare. Maybe all the consciousness is. Why should we even try to preserve? I do not understand, because for me, trying to turn it off seems to be a more rational solution.

So with this new wisdom I have given the following two definitions to life.

Definitions for life.

Life: Unexpected error of nature which branched off from its nonexistent form into a self-sustaining illusionary form of selfishness which inevitably ceased to exist.

Life: crows

What do you think about this?



Mar 20

That pic is from a scene of Back to the Future showing how had things gone differently the McFly kids wouldn’t exist.

Replying to

Definitely. I have to read about this. more Homework.


Mar 19

This is more practical than philosophical… The earth might not care if a life perished on it. But the earth would definitely be different, since every thing, and every action, is in some way connected to others.

Replying to

That's a good point. For everyone who is living. But not for the vanished consciousness.

Nice illustration! Like a textbook version.


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