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What will happen if I am immortal? (Immortality) - A life in a black hole.

Let us discuss immortality. To make it interesting let's imagine you are already immortal. We will go through simple scenarios to understand this.

First of all, it is clear that nothing we have seen so far around us seem to last forever, everything seems to be changing at least over billions of years, although difficult to see in our eyes or during our lifetime. Even the mighty Sun and moon.

A pink tulip flower

If we are immortal, we will have to live through the lifetime of earth and beyond. When the earth is destroyed, we will be swung into the atmosphere. There is no need to eat, as even if we do not, we wouldn't die. There would be no need of water or oxygen to sustain the life, as immortal life is sustained by itself. We can drift in the atmosphere until eventually the sun also at the end of its life and collapse into a black hole.

If the sun collapses, we will be in a complete darkness. After some billions of years in darkness we will forget we have seen light. There would be no difference of living and not living as there is no change. Both living and non-living will overlap each other if there are no conscious thoughts. It is not difficult to understand as our thoughts are always linked to the stimulations that we get, when there are no stimulations, thoughts will cease.

A black hole

Now, let's imagine you are not sucked into the black hole. You stay on earth doing ordinary things. Would you? There would be no need to do a job. There would be no need to create more and more immortal people (birth) as nobody is going to die. There would be no need to do anything. Even you don't have to travel. At least there is no rush. You have time. When you are immortal outcome for you is fixed. So, whatever you are going to do is not going to change the outcome for you. There would be no need to measure the time as even time would be valueless, when it is present in abundance. Really speaking there is no value in anything in such a world. As nothing is going to change your outcome.

Footsteps on a beach

In such a world what would you do?

When there is no death, there would be no need of thinking about it. So, nobody would think about it. You would no longer depend on physical laws, gravity and magnetic forces cannot have effect on you, otherwise you would not be immortal.

Let's stop our thought process in here, for a while and discuss why we should discuss about immortality.

You may have different ideas about immortality. Kindly let me know if you do. Yet if above is true you would understand that immortality when taken as itself reduces the boundary between life and death.

Immortality is not itself aversion of death.

Immortality is aversion of life as well.

Immortality is not itself aversion of pain.

Immortality is aversion of happiness.

Multiple gems on a beach

There is no immortality without sacrificing what we are already attached to, either pain or sadness, thoughts or silence.

Thank you for reading. What will happen if I am immortal? (Immortality) - A life in a black hole.

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