It all starts with why.
What is the most important question to ask?
Without further explaining: the answer is "Who am I?"
Rest of this article is about explaining why that is the most important question. Before proceeding I recommend you read about "why a question is a missed opportunity to question itself" In summary here I describe a method to question the problems in your life. Without trying to solve them like we were traditionally taught. Sometimes, questioning the question is a good way to think in different view and it leads to root cause of all problems. Which is me.

One thing common to all your problems in life is, they are there because of you. It is not a fact which can be taken for granted. If you want to solve all your problems in life, it is rational to solve the problem of yourself. Every problem from basic (hunger thirst etc.) to advanced (how am I going to learn a new language type questions) all started when "I" was born. These problems were not there before I was there. And I have been solving these problems ever since I can remember. But there is never a day without new problems, and same things comes back again and again. So, the approach of solving problems is not a good one.
It seems wise to try to solve the root cause of all my problems. Which is me.

I have never come across a person who have a direct answer to this. Everyone has their own theory of this. If I ask a random person, who are you? he will either tell his name. Or point out things he does, like I am an accountant, a clerk or a driver etc. However, these are all things which "He" has, or "He" does. Even if he says ok, "I" am a being with a mind and a body, I can still ask if the mind is yours who are you?
Or if he says I am a mind and a body I can ask, if you are a mind and a body, you are just two things, a mind and a body, where is "You" in it (What imaginary numbers teach about life). A singular thing called you is not there by that definition.
As you can see answering the question who you are is a philosophical ocean. Where we can see no land to save us with answers. But as I have explained it is utmost important, we get this problem solved. Otherwise, we would be following blind instructions of past generations into the future. If there is a true science (read about science of nature), I believe it should answer this fundamental question of observer, without merely solving problems of what is observed.

After method of exhausting every way to answer this question, you may wonder whether really is there 'I' exist. Or whether it is also just an illusion of the mind.
What is the most important question you have?
(Here in this poem the other day, I included the most important question in one of its lines. It is really unrelated to the problem. See whether you can figure it out. When you do, see how all the other questions in the poem magically vanish)
Thank you for reading: What is the most important question to ask?
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