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What is nonexistence or nothingness?


You may have come across the term nonexistence at some point in your life. If you are a spiritual seeker more often than the others. If you are an ordinary man or women, like me, you may have heard the same term with synonyms like, emptiness, nothingness, nihilism, null etc. Nonexistence or nothingness is a fascinating concept for me. Here in this article, I am trying to understand nonexistence myself, by explaining it to you. Let's get started with flying tortoises.

Flying Tortoise and A room without tables

Watercolor of a turtle with a vibrant orange and blue shell. Blue paint splashes in the background create a dynamic and artistic feel.
Flying tortoise

Have you seen flying tortoise? Well, you may have not. Ha ha ha let me know if you have as I just created them in my imagination just like the pink elephant. But as you can see clearly in our physical world flying tortoise are non-existing, like a real chimera. Yet we just created them in our minds. Just when you read the term "Flying Tortoise" they are existing in our minds. As you can see this is a big problem when we try to understand nonexistence or nothingness. We tend to always try to create nothingness from a thing. Imagine you have a table in your room. What is the nonexistence of the table? Is it a room without a table? Then I suggest we just created a room with a table and compared this against a room without one. In true non existing world, there have never been a table. Not even in imagination, not even the concept of it hence we even cannot express such a world. Can you imagine such a room? It seems no matter how much we try true nonexistence is somewhat out of our reach. Like it is in fourth dimension. Is nonexistence really non existing?

Why the hassle?

At this point I suspect you have questions on my sanity. Questions on my sanity why I write this stupid argument in the first place. Yet I cannot emphasize more, that it is fundamental in understanding the true valueless nature of our relative world. Nothingness do exist like a statue of David hidden inside our consciousness. Until we started to cover it with first things as toddlers. Then named things when we were kids. Now we are lost in our own jumble of words, we cannot understand it. Nonexistence is touchable only by natural wisdom of mind. Yet it is essential to do so. Otherwise, we will fall into countless traps, agendas, and evils of the thingy world every day. We might get depressed, or start to cry, laugh like mad people and kill for a penny, and that is the outcome of not knowing nonexistence.

Let's try to tackle the nonexistence in a different way.

Not having a bottle in your room doesn't prove its non-existence

Not having a dream doesn't prove its non-existence

Not seeing a mountain doesn't prove its non-existence.

Even breaking something into small parts doesn't prove its non-existence as we broke something which is there.

Can you see a pattern? It's all about patterns in nature. We can derive a general rule for nonexistence from here and that is following.

Nonexistence is not the thing that you think of.

A light green wire hanger on an orange background, casting a shadow to the right. Minimalistic and vibrant composition.
What is not there is not nonexistence, but what was never there is. :

That is the best description of non-existence or nothingness so far. If you think of something that is not it! So true nonexistence cannot be described by words. As when we describe something from words, we have to create it first and then it would be a thing. Not nothingness. We cannot show it as a picture as a picture or a diagram is a thing. We cannot show it with a sound or a smell or a taste or even a touch. As all these will create things in our minds. As you can understand seeing nothingness is almost an impossible task.

But here is a simple truth that you should be contemplating when you do your mindfulness. And that is nothingness is the only thing which there is. Everything else in our relative worlds are built upon this inherent nothingness. And moment we realize this fact, we can start looking for nothingness in everything we see and that will, make you feel like you are freed from the dimensional world.

Do you have better explanation on non-existence?


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