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What is intuition? And how does it work?

What is intuition - definition?

Intuition is the ability to understand or know something immediately, without conscious reasoning or explanation.

Does it really work? You may ask, and if it does how?


We all have heard about miracles happening all around the world from time to time. In fact, it is not very uncommon. In times of 9/11 attacks after the initial chaos calmed down, we started to hear the stories of some lives which were saved that day. Some, who worked in the World Trade center, did not go to work just because they felt like not going. And it saved their lives while all the others did perish.

Flight 1549

If you have watched the movie about Captain Sully and his famous landing Airbus A320 in Hudson River, I am sure you should have appreciated the intuition more than you think. He had sudden emergency of losing both of his engines of the aircraft within few seconds of a bird strike, and intuitively he has decided to land on the Hudson River in the middle of the winter. And Guess what? He has saved all the lives on board and had become a national Hero. What would have happened if he started to self-doubt and calculate all the risks and benefits of landing on the Hudson River vs desperately trying to land in a runaway?


Imagine you are going to buy a new car. And you go to the car sale, and you buy a brand-new car, the model that you are most keen on buying. Your friend chose just the car next to you, same brand, almost same number, maybe those two cars spent their entire lives from factory to the yard beside each other. Yet, after driving same amount of distance for a one year, your friend's car starts to give trouble, and spending time and money to be in the garage more often than necessary, while yours is working in tip top condition without any trouble.

If we look at the latter scenario, we know that the same intuition which brought happiness to you have brought unhappiness and trouble to your friend. Yet how can we really know why intuition works that way?

How or can we ever harvest the power of such intuition for our advantage?

I would say this is another billion-dollar question. Before we know how to use, we have to know how it works. Here, our little mindfulness wisdom comes into play. Previously I have written on reasons beyond reasons, in the article why we should start with why. Where I have explained some simple observations of life are really bound by countless causes which happened before them and still happening around them. Science have really explored some of immediate and obvious causes yet knowing everything is impossible.

Why intuition happens?

As an example, we can tell that apple fell to the ground because of the gravity, after its released from the apple tree. But Why gravity? Why apple? Why tree? Why it is an apple tree? If there was a banana tree apple would never fall. So not having a banana tree there is also a cause for an apple to fall on the ground. On the other hand, having a witness to the falling apple is also a reason. Hence, nobody can ever list out all the reasons for a simple observation we make about the outside world. Yet we can say it is countless reasons. And nobody would ever know all the reasons.

And that is exactly how the intuition if happens, happens. The reasons for intuitions are never known. Someone can say it is fate, someone would say its Luck, or bad luck if it is negative intuition. But the reasons are unknown.

Harvesting intuition?

So, if the reasons of intuition are unknown, how can we ever harvest the power of it? Can we just attract it by saying a positive mantra throughout the day? Is that what is suggested by the Law of attraction? To pray for things to happen. I can stuff you with hundreds of positive quotes here, like a puffed-up toy panda. Yet, I would not do that, as I want your intuition to focus more on peace, than success in life.

Infact, I think a better way is to be mindful. To be aware and understand the fluctuating nature of life. Notice the life carries on even when bad luck happens, and good luck seems to be far away. There is space for laughter and peace even when intuition works and not. And that would be a better attitude towards a meaningful life.


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