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What is Consciousness and How to Hack your consciousness.

Ok, Let's slow down, and think about the question. Let's ask why we should hack our consciousness?

What is consciousness and why should we hack this?

Consciousness is everything. When I say everything, it includes the world and everything in it. Consciousness is the great 'Knower'. If you would not agree with me, let us imagine a world without consciousness. Take a minute, write it down. Did you, do it? Were you able to do it?

I do not think you did, not because you are lazy, but because for the world to exist, there should be consciousness. So, the world and our consciousness are not two things it should be outcome of one process.


The world and our consciousness are no two things It is one process.

Now that is a bold claim. It should be investigated further. Let's imagine a world where there is no your consciousness. Can you imagine such a world? It is easy, before you were born, there was no consciousness and after you die there would not be either. (forget the learned facts that your soul will be existing, even if it did, it would be not really 'you' as you can never possess the same body and same 'life') Now, try to answer the question does that world exist relative to your no consciousness? What is the 'true' duration of the 'world in your consciousness existed?'

I know, you are not a philosophy student, neither I am. So, let's make this question an easy one. Let's imagine you have been living on a mountain whole your life. In a small village. You are the blacksmith. You were born there; you learned your black smithy things there and you made a family there. Except for the occasional travel to the town, you have not known anything else. Imagine you lived in the era before even Columbus made the discovery of the America. And you died. Sorry for that, but you died, leaving your loved one's behind.

Now, let's go into your wife's mind. Do you exist in your wife's mind?

Let's peep into your children's mind. Do you exist there?

Let's look into your relatives and villager's minds. Do you exist there?

Yes, you do, you exist as a memory in their minds. As long as they remember you. You would really cease to exist once every consciousness that is available cease to exist or forget you, in their relative worlds.


Now, let's go into your consciousness, do you exist there?

No, once you are dead, your consciousness is no longer there, and you would cease to exist. Not only consciousness, but everything inside your consciousness will also cease to exist. What was there inside your consciousness. Your name, memory about your craft, your skills, your memory about the trees and villagers. Your anger, your happiness and your sadness. This does not argue that the 'world' did not exist. It pretty much does. That why when someone is dead, we are still live. And we can see everything remains same. But relative to that person's consciousness everything ceases to exist. And by any means if we could bring back his consciousness, with or without a body, from whatever happened to it, still as the 'world' is there, it would generate the 'relative world' again in that consciousness.

Wow, that was difficult. I am not sure, how much of it you can grasp without being bored. But trust me there is something I need to tell you. And it takes time. Like I always say, our language is not advanced enough to discuss such matters of mind, and consciousness so, you might get a different meaning out of it. But we should try to focus on truth without any doubt.

Was there a tree fell down in the forest?

fallen tree

You may wonder now, If the world did not exist in the consciousness after death, Does it exist when we are sleeping? When we are dreaming? What happens all the time when we are thinking about something? Does the world exist at that time?

That is the core idea behind the 'Schrodinger's Cat experiment' If you haven't read about this, I will include the chapter from the book what is time? at the end of the article. For now, we can imagine a similar scenario. If there was a tree fell down deep inside the forest, and it made a huge Noice. And nobody ever heard it? No device measured it, no one recorded it. Did it happen or not? It is such a simple question and such a difficult question to answer. Bottom line is nobody knows. And it seems it did and did not happen at the same time. Unless someone measure it, we would not know it happened. At the same time someone can argue that it did happen. Of course, if there was a consciousness was there to hear it, it would have heard the Noice. But relative to all the other consciousnesses who did not know about it, there was a never tree that fell.

So, I think we have come to a point where we can move forward with our argument. We have enough information now. Let's summaries the facts so far.

  • It seems our consciousness and the 'relative world we feel' are born at the same time.

  • The 'true' world is out there, but only we see is part of this true world (unseen world) which comes to our consciousness.

  • The 'part' of the world which doesn't come to my mind did never exist for me and as long as it doesn't come to my mind will never exist.

For the last fact I can give you some more examples. Think about the following.

A man dies of a car crash. Dead as a rat. And imagine he had a cancer growing inside his body at the time of his death. And he was never diagnosed with the cancer. Only after the autopsy that he was identified of having a cancer. As he did not have any symptoms, he was never even thinking about having a sinister diagnosis. For which people did that cancer exist?

Did that cancer exist for his doctors? Not until they did the autopsy.

Did that cancer exist for his family? Not until they found out the autopsy results

Did that cancer exist for the dead man? No, it did not, not in his consciousness, not in his relative world. It surely did occur in the 'true' world, otherwise the doctors would not identify this. But not in his 'relative world' as there it never came across his now 'dead' consciousness.

truck crash

Bottom line from this case study is that something 'matters' (or exist) only as long as it comes to our consciousness. And it makes me shudder realizing this truth. As long as there is consciousness it will identify things in the 'true' world and make a copy of it in my 'relative world' which I can label, good or evil. And this process of labelling will go on until we are unconscious. Can you see the danger of this? We do not know where we came from and where we go after life. Imagine there is some 'truth' out there which doesn't come into our 'conciousness' and we just blindly follow our ancestors not knowing what truth is. And in this scenario we all are doomed. Unless we do our own study of this relative world of ours individually. Nobody owns this world than you.

If you look at this process carefully, you would understand, the there is only one world you can ever see. And that is whatever stupid thing your consciousness brings to your awareness.

How to Hack your consciousness.

Oh, I almost forgot. How to hack your consciousness. How to do that? Do you know? We all do. Come on.. we all lie. When we lie, we basically hack someone Elses consciousness. But how can we hack our own mind, because as you already know, you are the 'creator' of your own relative world. The truth is our consciousness does this all the time. And our consciousness fools us all the time, because it can never know what the 'true' world is it creates a 'relative' world which exist only in a fraction of a second but feels like a lifetime. You can never hack your consciousness as your consciousness is always hacking you since you were born. You will hack your own consciousness only on the day you understand this truth. Until then it will fool you.

Come join me friend. Let us discuss this sad truth about our existence.

I'm gonna steal your seconds.

Your minutes and hours of consciousness.

With a little tweet here and there.

Would you be mad with me?


A paragraph from the book 'What is time?'

A deep dive into science 

Schrodinger’s cat experiment and quantum physics.

In 1935 Erwin Shrodinger, an Austrian physicist, conducted a thought experiment. He placed a cat in a hypothetical box with a radioactive source which decays over time at any point and releases a poison killing the cat. However the box is closed and there is no way of knowing when the radioactive material is going to release the poison.  The conclusion is after some time the cat is both alive and dead until someone opens the box and makes the observation. Quantum physics has helped us to understand why particles behave as waves and waves behave as particles. It has opened up another dimension to our scientific expansion of our knowledge. We will hear more and more of quantum computers, quantum chemistry and superconductors and great applications of this knowledge. However, has it provided us an opportunity to understand ourselves?

What does this have to do with our time? Is it true that time exists and does not exist at the same time? Time exists when we start thinking or being conscious of our surroundings. It ceases to exist when we are unconscious. Does it explain some of our questions earlier in this book?


Are your cats dead or alive?

We all have cats. Have you ever noticed? Let's imagine there is a mother, who has sent his son to the war as a soldier. He is away in a foreign land fighting war in the front line. And he dies wounded among many others. The news arrives to his mother and family only three days later. And since the news, to that person hearing it he was dead. But what about those three days? He would be still living in the mind. Yet to an outside observer of both events he is dead. However what matters for one individual is his or her own perspective. In this case to the mother her son is living all these three days, or even longer until news reaches and she understands. Her son is dead and alive all the time, even before three days, until someone observes what has happened. 

The true fact is you don't have to be in war. Think about a loved one who is not there with you at this moment. Think that is your cat, now living in a box with radioactive material. Do you know that moment that they left from your vision, the moment you stopped hearing from them that they become a cat in the box, until they come to vision again? Did you know that they are both dead and alive at this exact second? How can you be so sure that they are alive? How can you be so sure that each and every time you open the box that they will be there smiling at you? Think about yourself. If it is true for someone else. It should be true for yourself. If so you are dead and alive at the same time for everyone else. How can you be sure they are wrong?

If you walk in a forest path on a normal day you would see a lot of dead leaves on the path. However if you take a walk after a strong gale there would be more and more leaves, some brown, some yellow, some green fresh leaves. When the radioactive decay occurs, even fresh leaves have to fall. You would not be surprised if you know there can be a gale in our lives at any point. Even now we are just waiting for our radioactive material to decay in our box of vision.


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