Correction, it should be weaknesses of dictators. But I used the word weak dictators to contrast what we already assume when we hear the term dictators. That is dictators are strong. So, that could be our starting point for the discussion. Why do we assume dictators are strong?

I think part of the problem lies, when we do not understand the human life. Or as we call it the 'Living'. When we remember someone only part of the person comes to our mind. Imagine I start to tell you about the story of the great Dictator of the last century Hitler. You would immediately remember his ferocious face with dark eyes, and commanding nature of the speech. The aura he has when he walks among his troops and followers. Imagine if you were in the part of the crowd, when he did his speech after the elections were won. I bet you would have no choice but to be a follower, as that was the norm of the German people during those days. And you would certainly feel united, at that point of the time, and feel you are on the right course of action towards a greater nation. If you really want to learn about the world war, I think you should watch the movie series world at War. Were, first-hand experience of those who were directly involved were given, who are no longer here to tell the story of greatest dictator.
Copilot summary of dictators of the 20th century.
In the 20th century, a diverse array of dictators held power. While their methods varied, most shared certain features. These included repressing opposition, controlling communication channels, punishing critics, imposing ideologies, attacking pluralist democracy, and restricting cross-border flows of people and information. Some infamous 20th-century dictators include Atatürk, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Franco, Mao, Perón, Tito, Nasser, Sukarno, Nkrumah, and de Gaulle. Their actions left a lasting impact on history, often through manipulation, exploitation, and atrocities. If you’d like more details about any specific dictator, feel free to ask!
So, if you would ask who are the weak dictators of history. I will tell all of them. And will explain, how they would become weak dictators.

A day of life of Hitler - weak dictators of history
Now imagine, you are invisible, and you could observe the great dictator day after day. In close range. You could observe him like you would observe your husband, or your wife. Unseen and without fear of facing his wrath. What would you see? Let me help with your imagination. You would see a man, waking up in the morning, washing his face, grooming himself, sitting in the toilet, mandatory fifteen minutes, and as many times as necessary during the course of the day. And he would be hungry, and at the mercy of the cook, who is another human being, for his breakfast. Even he could not spend a day without any food. Who would like certain food, and dislike the taste of the other, and who will try to taste only the best wine! After the breakfast, he would start the day, with plans, to conquer the world. And where does he get the ideas from? From his mind, which is shaped by the information he received during his growth as a human. And when his mind told him to conquer the earth and make the Great Aris nation, he could not stop taking action. He was a slave to his own thoughts. And now the great Hitler, comes out, to his routine, out of his palace, he inspects his troops, gives a great speech to followers, watch a Charlie Chaplin movie. And he takes lunch. Yes, he takes lunch, takes his dog for a walk, could he not do that? No, he couldn't, how could he, he is a human. As humans we have to do all what our minds tells us to do. Next, secrete meeting with his war generals, to plot to kill some of the political enemies, and have a bath. Could he not have a bath? No, he could not, otherwise he would be stinking at the end of the day. Supper and Sleep. Maybe some romance if he feels that he needs. Could he not have sleep? No, he could not, he could spend sleepless night one day, may be two days, but after that he would even fall sleep even in front of his enemies, Like a sleepy cat!

Discussion generalization and insights
Of course, I wouldn't write that if Hitler was alive today! I am not stupid to go against human norms. Yet did you see? Did you see weaknesses of a dictator? Co-pilot did not see the weakness of our dictators, He is excused as he is an AI, an evolving one. Yet it will start to see one day, and I would be glad, if he could include weaknesses of dictators into his own narrative without me asking to do that. And I think you would agree with me, when we look at Hitler, as a human, watching him all day, we do not see a strong man. But a weak person who follows every like and dislike and succumb to the weaknesses of every one of us face, as we possess human bodies and human minds. Of course, I can go on talking about each and every dictator in the history. Do you think it would be different or similar?
Now it's time to generalize. Imagine you are in Met Gala, taking photographs of celebrities on the red carpet. The atmosphere is glamorous, and you see glistening, giggles and girls is glorious gowns taking the walk with Handsom boys. I bet you would forget the big picture. You would see them as 'celebrities' not humans. I invite you to imagine otherwise. Without focusing on the walk, see what is unseen. See what the paparazzi did not capture in your mind's eye. Just for the sake of it.
You can imagine Bill Gates, Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg.
You can imagine Mother Teresa, or Mahatma Gandhi of India.
You can imagine Football stars, a Marine, a Pilot or a Serial Killer like Zodiac.
You can imagine a monk, or yourself when you were partially in control of your life. When you do imagine, imagine everything they had to go through to live a day.
I would be surprised if it doesn't give enough insight to seriously think about life. If you want to read more about the fragile nature of our body read dumb ways to die.

In conclusion, I would say, dictators are one of weak kinds of human beings, who are slaves to our mind and bodies, just like every one of human beings.
If we forget about the deeds there is no fundamental difference between a dictator and a savior, as long as they are both human.
More we educate ourselves with these facts, better we would be as a society in forgiveness and quality thoughts, which could eventually elevate us from our human form into Platonic.