These are wisdom gained from tweets.
Today the theme would be "Peace."
Maybe its inner
Maybe its family
Maybe its world
Maybe its universal
Peace is a bliss when it stays
But it liked the game of hide and seek
Often hours it would go missing just to appear all of a sudden.
Game of Thrones
I did not like the game of chess as kings would never die.
I would be a pawn or a knight and play, not be a coward and hide.
Shadow Of War
We have seen it again and again our world at war
Why? we ask when it only brought us destruction so far!
It's a Challenge to keep peace when it cease- fire wherever we are
Hidden behind evil like a little weevil peace was there the SHADOW of war
A Gem for Coronation
Like a craftsman to cut carve and polish a poem to be published
Like a surgeon to Remove the unwanted and repair what is left For better Function
Like a pilot to be precise as no room for error or indecision
Made a Gem of a verse about universe to be used in kings coronation
A Poem From One line
She heard the crows calling
each other for the feast
To offer one piece for each
From the dead crushed beast
She walked down the lane
Heard a nightingale singing
Fighting over a dead worm
She was angry and bursting
Beauty Is Not In Cover is a verse shaped FromOneLine
An Alen Haiku
This is an alien haiku
Hg j fghjic z udu
Hds dsart jlk vy dsa gcf hcxzd
Hce esxtr fdw dse gjcxd
Seasick Haiku (Alean haiku translated to English)
Floating in Boat of life
In an inevitable march of times journey
I am seasick now vomiting
For the one who afraid of March Of time
Dylan said "most scary thing in the world is inevitable march of time till death"
Mary said "Dylan is most scary thing"
I would say you are scary at the time of now.
If you talk and think about it.
Wisdom From Someone Who is wiser
If the truth is eternal, the quest for it also will be eternal.
A word about Wisdom:
If wisdom is a prisoner of the mind
I would imagine it is cuffed by words
Things I have learned from Writing
One thing I have learned from writing is.
Mine is so boring I like reading yours
Much more interesting
Fear and freedom Of the Prison
I can relate your fear of freedom,
Like a bird granted of it though it never leaves.
Of course she was better cared for
Than those roam free
I hate doctors
Nobody should become a doctor
I would treat my own cancer
Facing the death I'm not afraid
I'm the bravest man on earth!
A relaxed carrot in the park
Carrot was tired.
After a long day
So he relaxed on a pillar
Like all the carrots would do
I wonder its still there. Going nowhere?
It did.
Carrot stayed until it was fed to the bugs
and worms when it was rotten and stank
photo by @Pat_ward
How to Grow Wisdom
Wisdom grows when we read other stories
Not when we are writing our own
To the One who lost the wisdom Tooth
I do not understand. Are you in pain?
Or angry with the surgeon who took out your wisdom
Anyway you must be a fool by now !
Oooops only for sarcasm of it !
hope you don't get angry
Chaos of mind
Never ending chaos inside our minds
Why do we claim it to be ours?
Mirror mirror On the wall
If there were no mirrors.
Beauty would not be an industry
A friendly Gecko.
Just like our economy.
Empty bellies with inflated Tails
sO bOred dOing oRdinary wOrk
eVen tYping fEels sO mOnotonous
tHought oF uSing cAmel nOtation
uNtil iM bAck tO nOrmal aGain
When its time to sleep
Like a cruise in a current without propellers drifted down the day
Effortlessly tirelessly to live that is the way
Like a babbling brook down the hill
Or squeaks of a drifting car
Didn't make much Noice today
Dragged by the night closed heavy eyes
what a wonderful day
of Poetry
The voyage begun with a good spirt
Ship sailed into open ocean a brand new quest
Yet battered by the winds and mother natures wrath
She perished from surface and became a shipwreck
Silent treatment
In a relationship
silent treatment is a worse kind of punishment you can inflict on the other.
silence is not all good after all.
Hope you would speak up today!
A Pathetic Poet
Yesterday, I was poetic
Today I am tired septic
Tomorrow will I be fantastic
Or just pathetic?
Thank you for reading, War Peace and Wisdom A Day Of poetry
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