Have you seen the upside-down world? It is very likely you have seen some form of it. Maybe you have seen a movie on upside down world. Maybe you have listened to the song 'Upside down' by Jack Jonson. This is collection on everything upside down.
Who's to say
What's impossible, well they forgot
This world keeps spinning
And with each new day
I can feel a change in everything
And as the surface breaks, reflections fade
But in some ways, they remain the same
And as my mind begins to spread its wings
There's no stopping curiosity
I wanna turn the whole thing upside down... Lyrics Jack Johnson
Upside down on bed to upside down everywhere
I saw the world upside down for the first time when I stood on my hands and head on the bed. Some say it makes good blood supply to the head. From what I know it makes my head throb from the feeling of blood flow. The world is different when seen upside down. Although it is for a few minutes, it is a strange experience as we always see things in a different orientation. I could never do a cartwheel as a kid. I saw some kids doing it on the nearby playground. Instead of still upside-down world surely, they must have seen a spinning upside-down world. If you cannot do the cartwheel like me, you will have to pay some money in a park to get the experience in a Roller coaster or you may bungee jump over a bridge in remote part in Switzerland. It may be too fast to appreciate the view.
Maybe you can drop your head on the bed, without standing on hands. And you will find some way to get the experience and I think you should.

Upside down drawing
Would you believe actually this is a new way to look at the world. The evidence comes from upside down drawing technique. It is true, artists knew it before us that there is so much to learn by seeing an image upside down.
How do they do it, upside down drawing.
You take an image which you want to draw. Keep it upside down and draw it. This way you are just looking at distances. It helps us to see what the relationships of likes, colors and spaces are. Images produced can be very bad, in context but you will learn to appreciate the picture as it is.
Why does it work?
When we look at an image we see, colors, lines and dark and bright areas. More than that after being sometime on earth we will see kids, men and women instead of those fundamental things. When this happen, we lose our ability to see building blocks of a picture is not what we see. So, when we look at a picture upside down, our mind would not be able to recognize common figures so easily that it has no other way than looking at it as we saw it when we did not know anything about men women and things. Like a child seeing the world you can open up another dimension.

Now, lets look at what the Copilot has to say about the left and right side of the brain.
Creativity and logic of brain
The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, each responsible for different functions. The left hemisphere is commonly associated with logic, analytical thinking, and language processing. It’s involved in tasks that are considered logical, such as mathematics, facts, and thinking in words.
On the other hand, the right hemisphere is linked with creativity, intuition, and holistic thinking. It’s thought to be better at artistic, creative, and spontaneous tasks, including imagination, holistic thinking, intuition, arts, rhythm, nonverbal cues, feelings, visualization, and daydreaming.
Can you see how it works? We are tapping into our right hemisphere to work with the image when we try to look at the world in upside down. It can spark a creative fire. And generations of artists knew it and now you also know.

Upside down as A paradigm shift
I'm sure you will see more and more upside-down illusions when you scroll through your Facebook, twitter or Instagram page. Similarly in previous article where I described a paradigm shift, American physicist and philosopher Thomas Kuhn who coined the term used following famous illustration to show the fact, change in our views changes our interpretation of the world. Nowadays these optical illusions are so common, even AI is used to create these now.
Two worlds in Upside Down movie 2012.
In this fascinating movie 2012, Two planets exist, one up above, rich and developed, the other down below, poor and underdeveloped. Two worlds revolve very close to each other with following rules in play.
All matter is only pulled by the gravity of the world that it comes from.
An object's weight can be offset using matter from the opposite world (inverse matter).
After a few hours of contact, matter in contact with inverse matter burns.
There is a romantic story unraveled in the movie of a couple who belong to each of the worlds. Check out the movie if you haven't. More importantly when I think about this, I feel it is familiar to me. We do have dual worlds, although we all live on earth. We have Rich countries and poor countries. Rich countries buy oil and other resources from poor countries and sell them technical products. They enforce laws so rich, and poor mix up. Once you are born in one hardly anyone can move, unless you are extremely extraordinary.
Even in a same country we see theses ups and downs of the society. Up never mix with down below. Isn't it fascinating, how insights from a child's play leads us to the adult's play? After all we all will play upside down games until we leave the earth.
Have you been in an upside-down world? What are your thoughts?
Nice deep thoughts 👍