There was a secret garden, behind the tall wall.
Covered with shrubs and climbers, was invisible after all.
But chirps of a robin red breast, took me there yesterday.
And I wrote down what he told me, this is what he had to say.

It didn't end up there, of course he didn't leave me alone.
Talking about pleasures and nature he believed in I was drawn.

Called by my work, I had to say goodbye.
Promise to make a smile, for him and his twin sister who likes to hide.
Behind magical world of colors and butterflies.
I wonder how amazing are, their artistic minds.
And I stole... had no shy... and, would they mind?

Behind rose bushes, and sunflower beds.
They still hang out, in their tiny nests.
The Secret Garden:
This is a famous novel by Frances Hodgson Burnet, first published in 1911. This was her first novel. It was about a neglected unloved little girl with pure and adventurous soul, who found doors to a secret garden, guided by Robbin, Redbreast. Later joined by Collin, a crippled boy they enjoyed, the magical garden and continued. Amazing Amazing lives.