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The root cause of all the problems.

Do you want to know the root cause of all the problems you have? I recon you want. If so, keep reading. If you would understand this is yet another way to look at the life. Yet another piece of wisdom which helps us in mindful practice. I am trying to make myself understand life enough so when at near the death for the last time I would not be regretting like I had earlier. There are no strings attached. This is just a mind speaking to another mind.

I believe minds are neither good nor bad. But that is another topic to discuss another day. Currently at the moment of this typing I can assure you mind is pure and not in any corrupted situation. So, it will only output good kindhearted words. We all go through some experience of this behavior of mind from time to time.

plant and its root

So where is the root cause of all the problems?

The wisdom I am writing here are not my words. I bow all those great teachers for distributing their wisdom with kindness. One such occasion I was shown to the root cause of all our problems.

Root cause of all our suffering is our attachments. Our mental attachments to things. You would not believe but we will analyze how this web of problems are created in the first place.

Do problems come from universe?

We will go to the far end of the known universe and then find out where all our problems come from. In the universe what is the most important galaxy we are concerned? It is the Milkey way, right? Of course, it is our galaxy. It is our 'home'. Maybe if you are a scientist your next most important would be the andromeda galaxy which is our Neighbour. So, we are worried about the andromeda as it is closer to us. So, if you think in a universal scale, we name our galaxy as 'Home' and if anything is going to happen to this galaxy, we are really worried. Because we (as a human race) are in it.

Coming backwards there are thousands of solar systems in the milky way galaxy. But we are worried about our solar system. We send space probes once in a while. We constantly monitor our solar system with space scopes to make sure nothing goes by un-noticed in our solar system. Why? because we are in it as a human race. We will be more alarmed if something happens in our solar system than far end of our Milkey way. Because it has more chances of affecting us.

Branches in the sky making a pattern

Root cause of all the problems in solar system

Now from all the planets in our solar system, we are worried about Earth. Of course, we try to avoid global warming and catastrophic climate change. We want to survive massive scale meteorite colliding on our earth. We even try to make a backup plan on Mars to make it habitable if unavoidable happens on earth. Only because we as human race are living on earth.

What happens when there is a storm in some other country? Or a war going on, in neighboring countries in middle east. Often, we look at the news daily to update our database to see what is happening in the world. We will be worried if there are human deaths. We would be more worried if those deaths are of immigrants of our country. It will affect more to us. Why? because those are people from 'our' country.

bombarded truck

Now let's look at our country. More than anything else I would want to know what is happening in my state. If there are new rules affecting me? Are there any new taxes which I have to pay? If there is a storm, I want to know whether it passes through my state. Ultimately, I would be more troubled by problems in 'my state' than any other state.

Root cause of all the problems in neighborhood

further going back, I would be more worried what is happening in my neighborhood. Even when I am away from home, I would want to know what is going on in my neighborhood. When I call someone at home, they will update me about new Neighbours and passing away of old lady next door. That will affect me more if I know these people. Remember when it was covid. It got into a panic when little by little when the covid got closer and closer to your home and ultimately to your Neighbours house.

In all the houses in the world what is the most important one you are worried about? That is your house, right? From all the families in the neighborhood you are worried about your family. So, whenever there is some problem if affects you, because it is your family. The things you gathered for yourself and labeled as yours have the ability to give you most of the problems.

hanging flower plant

Root cause of all the problems in family

From all the beings in the family what is the most important being you care about? That is you right? You would be lying if you would say that is not true. We all care about ourselves first and because of this self we label all the things around us as 'my' and whenever we label things as 'mine' constantly we try to keep them in a optimal state to make us happy. But the problem is it is an impossible task as things are bound with change.

Root cause of all the problems in you.

More importantly now we know where the root cause of all the problems is in attachment in you. Now imagine there is nothing called me. I know you have thousand arguments against this, but for the argument's sake, if there is nothing called me, then all those attachments will lose its value and in such a state, everything would start to disappear. It won't disappear like you would not see them anymore. But things will disappear their ability to trouble you as there is nothing for them to trouble.

magical pattern

So, you would agree the most important question from the whole world is to ask yourself who are you?

You would be helped with insights from following articles in the blog for further reading on the subject.


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