It occurred to me that I haven't written about this favorite story of mine in the blog. I am really not sure where I heard it from but that is stuck in my mind for good reasons which you will too if you find its interesting. The story is about monkeys.
Now, monkeys are notorious for being mischievous right? I am not talking about the innocent ones deep inside the thick jungles of amazon and Congo. I am talking about monkeys in general, in zoo, in human habitats, and monkeys in the Jungle book kind. They are intelligent, may be not all of them are mischievous but for the sake of the story let's assume they are and otherwise the story would not work!

The Monkey and the bird story
Once upon a time there was a group of monkeys, they dwelled in a deep forest. And on a treetop there lived a tiny bird. You can think of any kind of a bird. Any kind of a bird who builds fine nests. Birds are known to make fine nests, most of the species. And this little bird had a nice little nest build on top branches of a tall tree. Covered with twigs and leaves, and padded with cotton and feathers inside, the nest was a delightful place, a shelter for its family, even on heavy rain.
As it happened one there, there was a heavy downfall. Like Monsoon type. And the monkeys, as they never built homes, were lost, they started to try and find shelter on the branches of the tree, mostly in vain as the storm raged on. And it started to become too cold for them to bear. Earlier, these monkeys have seen men who go on hikes into the jungle. To keep warm they make fire. And knowing this some of the elder monkeys started to make a fire. They started to gather around and find some red color seeds from a nearby tree and started to blow them to start a fire like humans. That's what they have seen humans do. Humans make fire and keep it burning by blowing wind onto the sparks of fire, and these 'wise' monkeys thought they knew what exactly they are doing. But they just got exhausted as expected and yet did not give up. Shivering in coldness, battered by rain, they kept on blowing on the red seeds, hoping it would make fire. Stupid right?

As it happened the little bird also thought its stupid. The bird as expected was intelligent. And it knew that the blowing on red seeds would not make fire at any cost. So, within the comfort of its nest the bird shouted at the monkeys.
"Hey, you monkeys what are you doing?"
Monkeys told, "We are trying to make a fire."
With a little giggle the bird told.
" You idiots, don't you know that how much time you spend blowing on those seeds you would never succeed. You would not make fire"
Monkeys got very angry, "You F---- stupid bird, what do you know about making fire. Let us teach you a lesson." they roared and within seconds the bird's nest was thrown in the air, and that was the end of the bird itself.
Moral of the story
That is the end of the monkey and the bird story. Although the ending is sad, moral of the story is very strong. Sometimes knowledge is not enough. If you do not have wisdom, as we all are living in a world where stupidity is overwhelmed, you can fall into danger of such stupidity. And, often it happens, we should keep our silence, as even the truth itself can lead to more harm. Knowing the truth is useless if you do not know when and how to use it. And such should be only to be reviled to the ones who are wise and humble enough to correct themselves.