If you know the story The fisherman and businessman, you can skip to the discussion here
One day a businessman, went on a vacation. He was a real wall street shark. He was at the beach, to see the sunset and enjoy the views. He was happy and content with his accomplishments of his life, few years to retire, and he will be happy until his death. He took a walk along the beach and saw a fisherman.
Fisherman was resting by the beach, on the sand. His fishing pole by his side, and the bucket. Businessman wanted to chat with him and asked.
"How is the fishing today? It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"
"Oh yes, it is. I caught some fish". Fisherman replied.
He peeped into the bucket. And saw two small fish, In the bucket. Smiled to himself, and he said confidently, "Well, not much fishing you have done, why don't you use a net?"
"Why should I use a net?" Fisherman asked curiously.
"Of course, if you use such a net, you will catch more fish. And If you catch more fish, you could buy a boat in no time."

Now, fisherman was interested, "what can I do with a boat?"
Businessman said. "I think you know better, you can go to deep sea, catch more fish and soon you can buy few more boats, or a bigger one and send someone else to go fishing for you. You can run a business and relax while others work for you."
What am I going to do, after that? Fisherman asked.
"What not, you can do anything, you can travel, dine at any boutique and, you can come by the beach. You can relax your time. Of course, you can do a little bit of fishing you like it."
Businessman replied.

Fisherman gave smile, and said, "Thank you friend for your kind advice, I am already relaxed. I am already satisfied, I am already enjoying the life, even without going through all the trouble that you suggested me to go through!"
Life lessons from the story- Let's read the story unbiased.
The story describes two common approaches to the problem of living a fruitful life. Should we spend our lives chasing higher targets like businessman did? or limiting ourselves to lower more achievable targets, like a minimalist would do. Being satisfied with whatever we already have. At least the second seem to be more attractive option although not many of us are inclined to follow that path. After all, the fisherman in this story can be an unhappy one without so much wisdom and really wished the businessman's life. Businessman on the other hand can be a wise one who is happy about his achievements and helping thousands of others to live happily under his empire. It seems life decisions cannot be funneled into such small all or none type of decision making. (Think about it, if there were no businessmen, fisherman may not have even a fishing line or a bucket, even cloths.) We and only we would know what is best for ourselves.
Is this the only way to spend a successful life?
This article will provide some insights to the question. What will you choose?
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Thank you for reading fisherman and businessman story and life lessons.