It was the hour of the moon. The Moon was in the middle of the sky, dragging the tide into the lagoon. With the slowly drifting water, leaves, twigs, fish and Jelly fish floating alike. They just drifted from the deep sea to the mangroves of the lagoon. The jelly fish, think that it is swimming in the water. By itself. By the conscious flapping of its transparent fins. Jelly fish think that it is searching for the food, and travelling in the lagoon by itself. A lonely journey. But from the river bank, while seated on the foot path, you see otherwise. You see it is the moon which forces sea water into the lagoon. The Jelly fish would never move so fast if it wasn't the moon. Jelly fish did not know this, as the world and everything it lives moves in same speed due to the tide. Relative to the jelly fish it is only its concious effort which makes it moves towards food.

After a while while your conciousness floats between the clouds, the wind and the waves of the lagoon. Your eye catches, this little guy who is just stuck between some sea weed. You are not quite sure, whether it is really stuck or just taking its afternoon snack. Either way you just decide to see what happens, and not to disturb. It seems so delicate, that trying to help it escape might even harm. You remember the butterflies, which you caught when you were little did never fly. So, this time you just observe. And after a while, it just escapes the jungle of see weed and start to float in the current with all the other fish, and stuff.
Philosophy of interconnectedness
On the way back, home you could not stop thinking about the jelly fish. You remember, that they always scared you, as you are not sure whether all of them are deadly or only some of them are. You have just observed life, just like a little God, in the Jelly fish world. As you held the power to observe and intervene other life. More so, you just understand how small the jelly fish world is. Jelly fish sees no escape, from its world. Yet you see otherwise. You even understood the mechanism the jelly fish moves. Not only that you also understand the role of the moon in its motion. Yet Jelly fish observes nothing. You feel sorry about the jelly fish.
Later when sitting on the parking bench, you observe men and women, walking on the street. They are thinking they are looking for food. They are thinking their concious effort makes them move in the walkway. However you choose to be a silent observer looking at them from the space. And you see the earth is rotating. Earth is rotating so fast together with its all belongings, including everything around the walking path, buildings, dustbins water and jelly fish. You ask the question how much more is there. You remember there is no depth to the motion, as it is all relative. You remember the Solar system, is in constant motion. Even the milky way is in motion, faster than you think. And you laugh at yourself about the thought which makes you think that you are stationary. It is only relative. Just like the jelly fish.
At this point, you try to figure out why. You already knew all of the above. But you never applied this knowledge to your own motion, until today. Until you observed the drifting Jelly fish. You realise, we all are just drifting jelly fish in the universe, although we think we are isolated conscious individuals, we are connected by matter and the interconnectedness. And the evidence. The evidence is just there, you are not stationary relative to the people walking by. Just that we all are in motion, synchronised with the universe. And you can do nothing to change this.
----Philosophy of the Jelly fish ends here, rest of is just some memories------
Somehow, a Jelly fish is a scary animal for me. Maybe it is just like someone being afraid of swimming because of sharks. It is likely you will be killed on the road than a jelly fish. For some parts of this fear I blame documenteries of Discovery channel, which I used to watch a lot. Part of it is coming from Sherlock Holmes. Remember the Lion's Mane? In this story the man who was attacked by the Jelly fish, in his last breath Utters the words, Lion's Mane, as the tentacles of these jelly fish looks just like it. Some time back I wrote followoing poem remembering the story. This is part of the reason I was afraid to rescue the jelly fish which was stuck, anyway I was relieved when it was able to escape itself.
