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That one good thing about the Thief- story

This is a story which I read from some old book. I can't exactly remember from where, but it was a long time ago. I enjoyed reading It as I can remember, and it was a wonderful story about a thief.

Story goes like this,

Once upon a time there was a famous teacher, old days where students lived with teachers until their education is finished, and at the end if you are very bright you might get married to the "Teachers Daughter" as the price for your brightness. (lol- Indian traditions)

Like all teachers, nowadays he had nasty students in class, one in particular and all these teachers tricks to correct his course in life did not work on him. Teacher gave up at the end.

Teachers Daughter, a girl in saree

One day he asked the student privately and said,

"Look son, I am done tiring myself teaching you. Both of us know it is not going to help you being here. So, I am letting you go. But promise me one thing. Promise me however bad it is that you would never ever Lie to anyone."

The boy was emotionally involved by the teacher's speech, and he promised himself that he would follow his last advice.

As the story goes. The boy became a Thief. He was a great thief, and there was no thief like him in the kingdom. He did all the bad things in the world, yet he never lied. He didn't have to lie as he was the best thief in the country.

One day the thief decided to break the treasury of the King's palace. As it happened that night the King wanted to see his countrymen and disguised himself as a commoner he went for a walk. He met the thief on his way back to the palace at night. They had a conversation as follows.

A palace on a moonlight night

King: Where are you going my friend?

Thief: I am going to break into the treasury of the Palace, to grab some treasure.

King was now surprised by his answer and boldness in that wanted to investigate.

King: Really? Do you need help. I know some ways to escape the guards.

Thief: Hmm.. I could use some help.

King: What would you give me if I helped you escape?

Thief: I will give you half of what I steal

King: Done! Deal, we will do it.

And that night king helped the thief to break into his own treasury and steal. The Thief came back with two big Diamonds. And gave one to the King. And king asked,

Is that all?

Thief: Yes, this is all I could steal without getting caught. Afterall this will be enough stealing for a Year!

King: Wasn't there anything else you could grab?

Thief: Listen my friend, you can trust me on this, there were three diamonds. I only took two because If I steal the third, I would not be able to divide the third diamond tonight. I can't give you exactly half. And meeting you again is too risky.

Three diamonds

King was very satisfied with the truth telling Thief. And he felt that this Thief is someone he can trust although he is a Thief.

Following morning King summoned the head of the treasury and said,

"Minister of Treasury, I had a dream last night that there is someone harming me. I am feared that already something has happened. I want you to audit the treasury and give me a report."

The minister was a cunning man, and like all the ministers from that era until today have done, he ceased the opportunity when he found that two of the diamonds were stolen. He reported to the king that "Three most valuable diamonds are missing from Treasury."

King smiled to himself. And that was the end of the Minister of Treasury! And King found out whereabouts of the Thief and made him his New Minister.

And the Thief lead a noble life since then.

A man kneeling before a

How did you enjoy the story? I can summarize all the morals given by the story, but it will spoil the fun. So, I will leave as it is. Let's be truthful Thieves at least.

Thank you for reading: That one good thing about the Thief- story

you may also like to read: Story of a gentle Giant - A tree.


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