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Story of the boy who lost his Dog and Mathematics (pattern recognition)

Story of boy and dog

There was a boy, who reared a dog. Imagine your favorite kind of dog. One day he lost the dog. The dog was the dearest to him, so he was very upset as any pet lover would be, and he cried and cried for days, searched everywhere, after school. Even put-up flyers in the town. Eventually after few weeks he gave up.

A puppy running in a park

Then out of nowhere a girl appeared in his doorstep with his dog. It was found injured by the road and was rescued by the girl. They got to know each other and became friendly. She was very attractive and kind that they fell in love. And he was happy.

Years went by and the boy was selected to a university as he excellence in his studies. He had to leave his hometown, but the girl broke up with him, instead of following him into the future, she chose otherwise. The boy became depressed for some time. But he was determined that he would become the best student in his university and boy! he did become.

graduates tossing their hats

Story of Mathematics and pattern recognition

The story goes on, you can write the rest of your own, but let's deviate from our story into a math lesson I learnt from our grade Eight math teacher. We had a very good math teacher who once said "mathematics, is all about pattern recognition". I did not understand, I knew it was something important, as I believed him. But we were so, involved in solving the problems faster than others, it was a just an utter for most of us. But I believed him. Mathemetics is all about patterns, and now after years later, when I understand that is the most important lesson, he had taught me. It's not only mathematics, "life is all about patterns."

ants crawling on a tree branch early morning.

Pattern recognition

Now it's time to go back to our story with the wisdom gained from my Late teacher (Sadly, he died in the school while at work of a heart Attack!)

Is there a pattern to the story of the boy and dog? Let's analyze.

First the boy was happy -> he had a dog.

Then the boy was sad -> he lost the dog

Next, he was happy -> he met a girl.

After that he was sad -> he lost the girl

Later he was happy again -> he became the best in the lot.

a dessert with sand dunes

Now the question is he was immediately sad after he lost the dog, but it started a happy sad never-ending cycle for him. If taken in isolation, the event of losing the dog is a sad occurrence. But if looked at it with wisdom, from our mathematics teacher, we see the pattern of life, which is like a wave with peaks and troughs. It is inevitable, nobody would remain permanently at one end of it. After all it is futile to hang on to either end as we move forward, and that would be the best prediction of the future, its going to change. I will end the story there and invite you to recognize patterns next time in your life, in the nature and in abstract paintings, and even thoughts.

Have you seen the waves crash on the beach?

Have you seen sunflowers follow the sun rays?

Have you seen weddings and funerals on the same street?

Have you seen kingdoms rise and fall over decades?

Isn't it inevitable there is a fall, after we rise so tall?

abstract painting of blue and brown colors

It makes me feel like a kid rocked on natures cradle.

You may also like to read: Once upon a time story - a scarecrow



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