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Story of kite that couldn't fly.

Have you ever flown a kite? If you have, you will agree there is something pleasurable about flying a kite. I do not know why, but feeling of the tension on the thread when the kite is blown by the wind creates some happiness, somehow. It is really not the visual of seeing the kite in the sky, because it is not the same feeling to watch someone flying it and to hold one in your own hand.

A kite in blue sky

If you would be a kite.

I would be a thread to let you drift far.

far away into the sky

And watch you dance until twilight.

Not to let you go when the wind.

desserts you

But to take you home.

Few kite stories from past.

I can remember when I was very little, I used to watch other children flying kites. Those kites were made of stalks of palm leaves and thin colorful paper. I was always fascinated by them. There was a big rock some 500 meters away from the playground and children used to go there to catch wind. Only around one month per year we had winds good enough to fly a kite. So, everyone was exited. Often, they flew above our playground and kites were directly above us. We had the best view. I used to watch them for hours. Those dancing tails of snakes, and swinging of side to side, like happy elephants. I craved to fly a kite. But I didn't know how to make a one.

kite on a tree

Kite that couldn't fly

Yes, my father made kites for us. He said that he used to fly kites and told stories how he used to catch other kites with his one, as his one's directly flew up. I never doubted him. He said the kite will fly high only if they were bent in the middle. So, he made sure ours were bent. We ran in the playground as fast as we can. But never did they fly high enough to sustain a ride on their own. After a while we were tired and stopped it blaming it is the wind. Not enough wind.

I didn't like to fly them when other children were there with their glorious kites.

A kite in the blue sky

After we shifted our house, we had rooftop. Occasionally a kite landed on it. We couldn't keep them for us as always, the owners came running to fetch it. We had to give them back.

One day my father gave me a frame of a nice kite. A proper one, I completed it with paper and flew it. It was a great feeling. Later I knew, maybe he bought it from some village boy who built it. I never knew and I never asked. Maybe he just felt sorry. And I knew the boy who made it watched me flying it. Maybe he enjoyed it in the sky.

A rooftop

Later when I was a little older, I made a kite, on my own. I did not have a video to guide me. It was flat, as soon as there was a little wind it took off. I only had white paper, so it wasn't easy to identify. Great feeling but on the first flight it landed on a treetop on a nearby hill. I lost it, but I knew i could make another one. And I did. Several times. I made such good ones sometimes they really flew almost straight up. But I lost the enthusiasm over time.

When it is kite season, I still look at the sky and count them kites.

Thank you for reading, Story of kite that couldn't fly

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