Sometimes I wonder how many examples the nature throws at us so we could understand the true nature of it. Following are the exact thoughts to illustrate the fact. I will elaborate more on the discussion.
For a start, I think you have seen a cobweb. These octave foot friends of ours build their webs. I think you have appreciated the beauty at least once in your lifetime. Those beautiful patterns they make, is a deadly trap, although beauty to our eyes. I think this is what Robert Frost also saw in the nature.

Spider and the web.
I saw a spider weaving a web once.
Carefully laid out an ingenious trap.
Using its own body between two trees.
To trap innocent insects, to harvest their sap.
Yet I saw the spider.
Trapped in its own web.
Till it becomes the carcass as it is the web.
It is a true account of the life of a spider. It builds a nice web, using its own secretions. And it hunts insects, inject its venom and suck the digested insides of the victims. But I have seen webs with the dead spiders. They themselves die in their own sweet nest. They cannot go beyond the nest, like a curse it becomes their own grave. And it makes me wonder what we do.
I see children grow up. They grow up and learn from school from university, until they build an information sphere. And once they build this information sphere, they live insides of it their whole life. They hunt, for money doing their job. They build a house of their own. And without delay, in a few decades, they become weak. They are trapped in their own physical and mental prisons. (prisoners of mind) And the world they build for themselves become their own graveyard.
You may argue that is not true. That the life is beautiful like a song. It is to be appreciated not to be scared of. I see it as a beauty of the cobweb. Even the spider, I think, has great gratitude towards its own cobweb. It sees the opportunity in it. It finds happiness in it. Yet only we see that it is also the end of it. That is how far it can go. You may remember the lyrics, when Louis Amstrong Sang the song, "What a wonderful world" everyone clapped. He was a great admirer of beauty, to see happiness in simple things. Everyone said, that's how a person should perceive the world. Yet, I cannot pay a blind eye to the simple horrors. They are so tiny unless you are able to imagine yourself in the situation. So, I remember the same song when ironically played with the background videos of Gloria and Marty first experience the wild in the movie "Madagascar". So, I have linked both the videos you also could compare.
Why do we forget the dangers?
We easily forget the dangers. Or we do not see them. Why is that? Are we ignorant? I gave this a thought and came to conclusion that it is a coping mechanism, placed by the nature itself. If we thought the world is a dangerous place, we wouldn't even bother to bring up offspring. Why should we make them face the same dangers, that we face. Similar to the argument that happiness is found even in a slum, we find beauty even in this dangerous world. So, to stay sane we have to agree that the world is a beautiful place. That there is a great meaning to it. And animals who are in danger and us humans are not connected by any means, and we do not have to fear. Maybe we should laugh at these stupid thoughts over a beer.
And, if you ask me, what we should do? I would say, we all should become Seekers. To not to quit until we find truth about ourselves within. Not to stop, on other people's conclusions. And this is a great question to begin with.