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Puddles of life - rain rain go away

Rain rain go away

Come again another day..

Truth is as a kid; I really loved the rain. Only when the life started to happen the rain became a problem in life. I will dig my memories and display them here. Once again to savor the moments.

Rain in the city

I never thought I would miss the monsoon.

And the puddles it generated

along the way to the school.

Those dark big clouds and

drops size of pearls.

I miss you rain..

I miss you the most.

rain drop crashing on ground

We used to live in a small one storied house with three or four rooms. Obviously, we had a roof. A roof means lot of things when it rains. At the beginning there would be big drops of rain, size of grapes! slam on the roof makes noises, then it levels down when drops are smaller. Rain combined with wind is making symphonies of their own. When the rain is heavy small holes in the roof start to bring the rain into the home, so we had to check them and confine them with buckets before it makes puddles inside the home. Suddenly gutters on roof were filled with water, and they start to flow down on the dry ground, or into the drain if there is one, creating a little waterfall of its own. Luckily, we didn't have pipes bringing all the way down to the drains. It was a bliss to see gravity in action.

rain at night

That was the best part! when it was water brought to our home, without any effort, and created a waterfall, it's time to have shower! We didn't have waterpipes and showers inside the home those days. We as children were very happy. But I can remember we were not allowed to shower on the first rain of the season. Those were the happiest showers anyone could have. When we were very small, we jumped into a large pot which collects water under the waterfall. But when we were getting bigger when we were not fit enough to go in the pot, we directly took the shower from the waterfall. I still can remember the cold; thud it creates on the top of my head even after decades.

Yet the best part of it is we had a free run in the playground when it rains. Heavy rains created temporary pool nearby playground which becomes slippery. It will be flooded in few inches by the rain. A perfect playground to do natural water sliding. Now I think I am scared of doing that again, at least not without fear of thundering. Luckily, we didn't know about risk of it those days. And it never did happen.

Rain through car window

When we grew, schooling happened and suddenly rains became less joyful. The balance later moved into it becoming a nuisance. But it was the same rain.

Same puddles which we enjoyed stepping into. Became unavoidable aftermath and burdens after rain. As stepping on them would make socks wet from shoes, which were leaky. So, the charm of the rain was painted over by troubles of life.

Now when I think about it, I realize, it's the same rain, same puddles, only things which has changed is my knowledge, and views about it.

What can I trade to be back there on those free feet and free mind?

What do the rain mean to you?

muddy puddles

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