It is often discussed topic whether the process is more important than results. Here in this article, I will try to understand which is more important. At the end you will get enough information to decide yourself.
Imagine you are trying to pass an exam. Exam is in six months' time. It may include a six-month period of study. We can consider two scenarios,

Sam and Tom
Imagine Sam who enjoys doing work, reading, taking notes and discussing with other colleagues. Similarly, there is another person (Tom) who is merely doing minimal and at the end of the semester cram for the exam. And imagine the second person able to get marks more than the first one.
Think about these two people and which person would you like to be? Would you like to the person who enjoy work with low results, or do not enjoy the work but somehow get results?
Although it is more likely the outcome is better, I think at least majority would like to be the person who enjoy the work. It seems the process is where we live most of the time. In this case the Sam can be happy thorough whole semester while Tom merely suffers it. Of course, in reality Tom has less chance of getting better results than Sam.

CEO Jeromy - If the room is cold Meddling with thermometer would not bring the heat up.
Now, let's look at the same problem in another perspective. This time you are the CEO Jeromy in a company. Let's say it is a computer software company. You have different projects running this year for several clients. You have few teams working under your management. Their task is to deliver the product before deadline. Earlier the better.
In this scenario, the happiness of your customers matters most. It doesn't matter the process your team going through as long as they deliver sound products before the deadline. Results matter the most. But, similar to the above scenario, each individual like to have the best out.
It is contradictory, if we think individual point of view, process matters more and if we think as a group, results matter, at least same as the process. In most of the companies they like to regulate the process, more intensely giving less creativity and degree of freedom to their employers. Where is the balance?
I invite you to think how Professor Nash in Beautiful mind gives answer to similar question.

In one scene of the movie Nash faces the following problem. He goes to a bar with his group of male friends. And there is a group of girls as well. His friend thinks about asking out the most beautiful girl in the group and Nash thinks to himself.
If his friend Frank go for the Blond, chances are he will be rejected.
Then if he goes for the next girl, he will be rejected as she knows it is his second choice.
As every male is in the group wishes the best for themselves, they will all try the best girl first and nobody will succeed.
However, if Frank goes for the second-best girl in the group, his chances of winning her are higher. Everyone will have a chance.
Nash concludes that the "best outcomes in a group arises when Not when individuals try what is best for themselves individually, but when you try your best for the group."
We can use this to answer our question. If you are individual, it is true the process can matter more than the results, especially if it is a lengthy one. Also, if you are in a group, you may have to sacrifice some individual gains in the process to have better outcomes for the group. Otherwise, nobody would gain. So, it is up to us to find out the sweet balance.
You can find some more insights about the process and results -> here
Thank you for reading, Process is more important than results? - insights from a beautiful mind Nash Equilibrium.
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