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The Power of Silence: How Embracing Quiet Moments Can Empower Mindfulness

Silence is a bliss, when you make it your friend.


You may ask, what is silence?

Have you ever been inside a chapel, where there is pin drop silence? or deep inside a forest? When you are isolated from the rest of the world, sometimes you may have met the Silence, in such places. Silence is like a shy girl. She never comes out when there are too many people chatter about. She is shy when you constantly crave music and do not listen to her. She cannot come when you are blocking her access to your mind from your ear buds. If you have ever seen her, you would understand she is the most beautiful deity in the world. Often, we have such encounters with Silence, where we can remember, where we were alert, but those moments were purely accidental. However, I am going to show you how to make your mind a chapel, so Silence is trapped inside it every day till you perish. And when you need wisdom, you just have to visit the Silence inside your chapel of mind.

a cob web

Power of silence

I would say, because, if you want to be anything, you should. I can assure you silence was a friend to Picaso, Michelangelo, Newton to Einstein to Emily Dickinson. And to every wise man or women out there. Silence is a powerful tool when it is understood properly

First of all, like always, silence is not out there. Silence is inside us. It's just we make ourselves so noisy that we forget it is there. We are so much not used to the silence that when it is there it makes us feel strange. We want to break free of the silence with sound. Imagine you are with few of your buddies, inside a forest, on a hike. If you are not used to silence after a while you will feel lonely and start to chatter, or sing, or hum or whistle. The moment you do that, moment you crave anything other than silence it will vanish. Even within a forest you would not find silence.

glass windows of a chapel

On the other hand, if you know the value of silence, if you know how to handle it. If you have met her before, you would not fidget and get anxious before her. You would calmly know her presence and acknowledge. You would need to be with her as long as you prefer. And mind you this will create opportunity for you to enjoy the bliss of a beautiful meditation and wisdom. You would appreciate that silence is the most beautiful song. And you will never get bored hearing it, hours or days, just listening. If you give the value to silence, it will come.

So, I would suggest following for you to be more silent and more mindful.

  • Never ever be afraid of silence. When you know silence is there, just enjoy it. Just enjoy it as long as you want, before turning on the TV, turning on a playlist on your iPod, or trying to reach your friends. Being afraid of the silence you will lose the chance to embrace it. It is like providing a playground to the mind that you have never seen before. You will see if you stay in silence at the edge of the playground that after some time, thoughts come into play. They will come and play and go away when they are tired. And they playground will remain same, and another group of children will come and play. The pattern will repeat over and over again. And you will be happy when you know there is nothing to be afraid of.

  • Remember when it is there to give the value it deserves and embrace it. Remember the law of attraction? It is similar. We often get motivation when we crave something. Instead of craving music, if you want to be-friend with silence you should crave it. Of course, introverts have the advantage of that they are geared to crave this. However, there is no black and white. And we all are in a spectrum from extremely introverted to extremely extroverted. So, whatever the label you give yourself is not true. Instead, you would see when you give value to silence you will see more of its presence. How are you going to give value to silence? It has to come from heart when you see the benefits of it. Loving the experience is the key.

  • You can create opportunities for silence daily. You can turn off the music when you work. You can be alone in your room. You can add meaning to your rest by not doing anything. This is what I emphasize in the article Doing nothing mindfulness trick. You can close eyes on your chair. You can take a walk alone in a park.

a girl walking in meadow

Take a walk- Poem from the book From the past to the future

Take a walk alone in the park.

Take a walk alone on a river bank

Take a walk alone on the street 

Take a walk alone on the beach.

It doesn't matter where you are

It doesn't matter who you are

Take a walk in a corn field

Not with your dog, not with your horse

Not with your family and friends

Not in your running shoes.

It's a walk to exercise your mind.

Take a walk with yourself

And let him do the talking

Not your phone, not your dog

Your mind craves to talk to you.

Be your own Dr Suess

But I would warn you.

Don't believe everything it has to say!

(poem from the book What is time?)

Once silence is your friend, you will be able to meet her even in the middle of a thousand people in a busy train station.

More articles on silence:

Science of nature- This is a short article about science and silence.

Beside a waterfall - How to be aware in nature, in silence.

Seize the Day- carpe diem- My personal experience from past.

In summary

  • The most important fact to remember is to give it utmost value when silence is present and try to embrace it then and there.

Thank you for reading: Power of silence.

You may also like to read: Train of thoughts and of silence


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