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Philosophy of dreams.

What are dreams?

This is yet another article on dreams. Why so many? because dreams are abundant and such an essential part of happiness. If you do not have dreams probably you would not enjoy anything. I am not talking about dreams in sleep. Dreams while seeping, I have no idea what they are and philosophical value of it. However, dreams in real life, are just projections of our cravings into the future. And here I am going to show you why you can't kill a dream. And why it is essential for happiness.

We encourage dreams. We ask our children to dream about their future and write essays on what they would become when they grow up. It seems logical, as we followed the same path.

Philosophy and dreams

Why dreams are essential for happiness.

Happiness looks like a relative feeling between your dream and the achievement. More the gap, more you would be happy. If you are dreaming to be a rich and you became super rich, you would be happier. But if you are poor and you wanted to be rich and you became super rich, you would be most happy. If you only expect nothing, you would be the happiest person on earth.

Dreams essentially are another measurement, a value, or a mental object. We do not realize this, however as all other mental objects, they subject to variation, and individualizations. As you can see, if there was no dream, there cannot be enjoyment. If there are no expectations, all the reality of the living a life disappears. Because there is no fulfilment in any sense. Having said this, I am going to show you why you cannot achieve such a platonic state of mind.

Imagine you want to destroy or kill all your dreams and achieve nothing. Let it flow like a leaf floating on water without effort. A form of automatic living. How would you achieve that?

One who search for a dream.

Imagine a person, who lives on a mountain top. He is living in a paradise with plenty of food, water shelter, and supplies. Imagine he read in a book about a paradise, in a faraway land. And now he wants to go there. He gathered his supplies and traveled east, until he meets the ocean, and did not find a better place than his former home. Then he started his journey to west and could not find this paradise there either. He traveled north, and south, however each time he came back home with knowing that the home is better than everywhere. And he lived in his home, now just a little sad about everything. Only if he knew the paradise is where he lives and what he seeks is just an imagination, and all the paths lead outside his home is wrong, he could have been happy and stop the search and lived an ordinary life.

dreams - philosophy

A true seeker who does not seek.

I see this as a great analogy to a search of a seeker, or a philosopher. It takes time to follow all the paths, written in books and taught by teachers to realize, there is no paradise, and whatever we feel is only what there is. There is no place called no dreams as well. As you can see, no dreams are another place, another destination, just like an ordinary dream. Which does not exist outside your imagination. Hence, our minds fool us one way or another with a future which is not there. Only with this wisdom, if you look at your mind mindfully you would understand what the monkey mind is doing to our house. It tries to destroy it and built another like the Sisyphus who was punished, just so we can build another.

Now compare this to following articles,

At the time of dreaming, you are the dream, just like what you are seeing is who you are. Hence it is wrong to seek a dream and not seek, and you would know just let them be is right attitude in mindfulness.


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