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Nature is really beautiful, or is it? Robert Frost.

You would not believe me when I say the nature is really beautiful and not. But, not only me Robert frost once said, but the nature is unforgiving and cruel. The interview is there on the internet, you may have a look. Would you believe Robert Frost, who had an eye for the beauty and a great admirer of nature to utter such words about our beautiful nature?

moon casting a shadow in the lagoon

The full moon in the cloudless sky

Casted a silver reflection over the lagoon at night

"The beauty of the nature", my friend sighed.

He was happy content, delighted and satisfied.

Then with a shudder, a cry of a mama bird

pierced the darkness,

And I sighed.

In his interview Robert frost, says the nature is cruel giving the above example. He says the nature is cruel, as he heard the cry of the bird whose nest have been invaded and her sons and daughters are eaten alive by the snake. What would be our reaction if it happens to a human family? Maybe it really happened, before we became civilized. Maybe it will really happen if we let the nature to do its own control over us without our own rules. But why we were always taught that the nature is beautiful, kind and loving? Did our teachers teach that to us or is it just our own imagination?

Robert Frost interview

Birds sing, Lions are brave, butterflies are beautiful. We were taught from our childhood. We were never taught the birds cry of hunger, to share a worm. Lions are cruel killing their own pups, while butterflies try to hide from birds with their wonderful colors to trick to not being eaten alive otherwise.

Lion walking towards camera in savanna

Nature may be cruel after all.

But what use we will have if we label nature as cruel. I will be less popular among, millions who believe otherwise. Maybe I can change a million minds to think that the nature is cruel. But, I would not make that mistake. I would not label nature as beautiful as I labeled in the past. I would not label nature as Robert Frost did. I would refuse to label anything and just let it be as it is. True nature. Without judgement.

What would you think about nature?

sea turtle in a coral

A Poem From One line

She heard the crows calling

each other for the feast

To offer one piece for each

From the dead crushed beast

She walked down the lane

Heard a nightingale singing

Fighting over a dead worm

She was angry and bursting

Beauty Is Not in Cover is a verse shaped FromOneLine

tree branches with leaves

Thank you for reading, Nature is really beautiful, or is it? Robert Frost.

You may also like to read the secret garden and Robin.



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