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Mathematical model of the world - Part 2

Previously in the article on modelling the world in a mathematical function, we explained why such a function is a continous one. Here in this article we will discuss some other ways to understand function. As you can see there is a clear link of this with the mindfulness.

Mathematical model of the world 1

Imagine a flower blooming. This is something which can be considered a single such function we observe in the natural world. Yet this is not something singular. It has collection of other functions to it. Consider the weight of the flower. The color of the flower. The aroma and the size of it. The abstract function of the blooming flower that see is a collection of similar abstract functions. We can say the "time" is a variable in all of these and so much so similar to a mathematics we can factor out time.

Blooming of flower = time( panels +aroma+ color + weight + ....)

As you can see each of these small functions themselves are collection of some more smaller ones, in microscopic and atomic subatomic level. When we go more deeper into these abstract levels we understand a blooming of flower is something entirely abstract as we do not end up something real.

There are some more facts we have to consider. As time is a variable in each function if time is zero again function entirely becomes zero. But how can time be zero? Imagine you divide the time infinitely, would you end up with a zero instance of time? I can see the similarity of this question with zenos paradoxes. Specially the arrow paradox where solutions suggests that we cannot assume the time is made up of instances. Only when we want to get a meaning that we have to assume time is made of instances. Truly speaking we cannot grasp the meaning of continous time.

Mthematical model of the world 2

We can expand our knowledge of this function by elaborating more. Let's look at the world as a collection of all the functions. It would appear as following.

World that we see = time ( blooming of flower + geological rock + floating leaf + etc + etc .. )

This is the most likely model that we describe the world with and this function  is the way of looking at the world. This is closer yet still not a complete model of the world. As this model includes everything except the observer in it. It includes every other observer but not the one who is observing.

Consider the following

Mathematical model of the world 3

World = Observer . Time ( collection of all the functions )

This is more complete mathematical model of the world. In this function everything is included. Now we can look at some important facts about the world.

Just like time, we assume the observer is not a null value. Otherwise the world has no meaning or become a nothingness

Other important thing is observer is in every other function observed. Just like time. It is the other end of the spectrum. The phone you see, the jug on the table or each and everything would not exist unless it is multiplied by you. Science generally ignores this fact, and only philosophy gives this a value. And hence philosophy is more accurate when it comes to understanding the world.

As observer is multiplied by time if the time does not existing neither the observer nor the world or any other function.

In mindfulness, we look at ourselves. This existing self which floats through time and ask ourselves what is existing what time. And in any function we try to understand all the components and see whether what meaning is there. And that is the way to dissolve the illusion called life, death and even cancer.



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