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Magnificent Phoenix and Night full of Music

It's time for a magnificent Phoenix to appear on my wall.

Tweeting and inviting for a poet and an artistic soul.

To become the twenty as there is plenty,

to share in this magical world.

When the moon disappeared, gobbled by the clouds.

Darkness appeared, couldn't see in an out.

By the Order of the Phoenix, flew down to bailout.

With the music, to ears, after his guitar workout,

And rocked the silent night, without a doubt.

Music flooded like a river in monsoon.

Filled the cup of joy in an empty afternoon.

Kept the fans waiting eager for more and more tunes.

Epic atmosphere here no secondary to in Dunes (2021 film)

A red color bird on a tree branch

Thank you for reading Magnificent Phoenix and night full of music.

The poem was written when I had only about 19 followers in my twitter account. Hence, it was a great feeling when there was a twentieth follower. The twitter account was old as 2012. However, I have never used it until last September. After writing my first book I wanted someone to read it. Hence, twitter was reactivated. Now, after few months when I look back, I see it different. Now, those small things have lost its value.

This leads the question, how our values are generated? Which you can read here in the article.

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