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Living in a dream.

My childhood dreams.

What is the most beautiful dream you can remember? Let's talk about dreams. When I was very little, I can remember I had a dream. The dream went like this. I was near a pond, and I can remember the dream was full of balloons. These were not big ordinary balloons. They were very small balloons. They were in all the colors of the rainbow floating around the air, and I can remember I was playing on feeling so happy to be in that Dream. I saw that dream over and over again. I can remember waking up feeling happy, but realizing it was a dream broke the bubble of happiness. However as when I get older dreams became more complicated and more realistic than extraordinary childhood dreams.

balloons in sky

In another dream everywhere was flooded about few inches with Cristel clear water and fish swim in this water. They could swim to my feet and that was an extraordinary experience.

Occasionally there were scary kind of dreams. What about your dreams have you had any dreams when you are a child?

Following is a chapter from the book from the past to the Future or what is time.

Sleeping, it’s time to disappear.

Time is created in mind as a side effect of comparing two events in mind, in now.

Hence time does not exist unless in the mind of an observer which is you! As nobody can observe on behalf of anyone else, time is an independent relative truth to each one of us.

What if the observer is asleep?

a man sleeping by a stream

Let's imagine the modern Manhattan man. He started to observe time since he woke up Saturday morning. Just at the moment he woke up and noticed he was, his mind started to compare the events of last night. Then he knew, he lived across Y hours of time. Feelings of time started to bombard his day and continued to stress him.

However, during the sleep was there time? There are two perspectives.

To another observer secretly observing him in sleep, yes time did exist. However to the Manhattan man in his perspective time did not exist, as he was not making any meaningful observations, his mind was not conscious. He would look at the clock and say “Ah! I slept Ten hours”. But he knew exactly that it's just that he slept, and he woke up. There was no ten hours ‘feeling’ in it. It was only two events which were only a few seconds from each other as his consciousness was taking a break. But he compares whatever the gap, which is shown in the clock. Compare it with past experience of how it felt when he was ‘continuously’ aware and thinking for ten hours. And think “Ah, I have slept this many hours”. But the truth is if he is brutally honest with himself like a child, there was no time during true sleep.

What if one day after death we wake up and realize we were dreaming all this time. We would be laughing at everyone who is sleeping and would not be able to wake them up. Of course, this can be a possibility when we compare to the dreaming Manhattan man. As during the dream, the Manhattan man did not believe he is dreaming, and he could not remember he had a life before the dream. Only after the dream he will realize he had been dreaming.


Living in a dream or living it in real.

How about living in a dream it in real life? That was a kind of a question that can be answered by philosophy. Really speaking nobody can answer the question that Whether we are living in a dream or not. So, we may be living in a matrix as in the film The Matrix.

More recently during the pandemic in 2021 film free Guy. Free Guy is a character inside the free City video game. During the game his intelligence develop into a level that he is able to understand that he is not real and just a character in the game. Which is the ultimate form of developed artificial intelligence. Although this is fictional, we haven't seen anything like that so far. However as at this rate of development of artificial intelligence we are never far from there hence before our lifetime comes to an end, most of us are likely to see at least similar responsive artificial intelligence. Unfortunately for such an artificial intelligence once they understand that they are not real, still they cannot get out of the realm of technology.

Robot in street

What is real and what is not when living in a dream?

Returning our attention to Philosophy from Plato to Chinese philosophers to Descartes all of them asked the question "why reality is not a dream?" or "what is the evidence to say what we experience is not someone else's dream" So it is agreed upon that we can never prove or disprove such an argument. However, what we can assume is that at this moment of time there is thinking happening, even if it is in a dream the thinking is real in that context. So that is a relative truth. That is the closest we get to disproving that we are living in a dream. Even our science is not advanced enough to answer such a question. That's why philosophy still haven't lost its role in modern day. You can read more about philosophy in era of science article.

In summary

  • Nobody can answer the question whether we are living in some kind of a dream.

  • Thinking is a relative truth happening even if we are living in a dream.

You may also like to read: What is time?


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