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Life is a Game - ask US President about it If you do not know it yet.

Game of life.

More than anyone, I have written about the game of life. I have written several articles on this comparing life to a game of chess, or mathematical model. I have written how the rules of this game are just arbitary and bizzare creation of humans themselves, and how the game differs from place where you live, the time and the ethnicity etc. Yet, I think the seriousness this is not understood some, and some chose to stay quite and pretend that they are just pure at heart in what they do. So, I will llustrate a good example from one of the most controvertial interviews ever I saw on Youtube, and it is about US president Donald J Trump vs Zelensky the Ukrain president.


I think more than half of the world has now seen the discussion at the oval office few days prior when Zelensky confronted US president and Vice President on the matter of Ukraine war. It started with hilarious questioning about the dress code of Zelensky, who always wear like he has come straight from the warzone, that he did not have time to change his cloths. So, he knows that the message he is giving was that his country is at war and sense of urgency is conveyed by this. Everyone knows, he knows, but did he agree? No! even after questioning he did not agree. He did not agree that this is part of a act of a "President of a country at war". He was a comedian, and an actor before he became a president. He played a role of president in a TV series, representing a teacher who won elections, against a currupted government. So, I think he knows his acting more than anyone else. I think he really needs to come out of his acting if he really wanted to be a president. No need to forget the humor also, he should smile more.

On boundries.

I am a philosopher. So I do not know whether our genetics contain facts about our religion and our nationality. It is only depend on the place of which mothers womb that we appear. And nature has already chosen for us. The boundries that we have created on the surface of earth are not even real. They are not even creations of you and me. And for these artificial boundries thousands of human consciousness have sacrificed their lives as they believed that is the right thing to do. Some by choice, some by force. But I am sure the wise old looking US President is more aware of these facts and he knows it is a game. Everyone is selfish under their own skin. I do not know whom I sould be more afraid of. The one who talks truth about life or the one who acts like he knows nothing but wants to put everything infront of him to save some illusionary sovereignty. It is not even sovereignty itself, pure madness. How can, someone send some mothers son to a war against another if that is totally avoidable? I like the Achelis wisdom, when he mocked the kings when he said "Imagine a king that who fights his own battles, wouldn't that be a sight?"

Blue graffiti on a white wall reads "No Border, No Nation," with red and teal tags. The mood is rebellious and bold.
No borders No nations:

Unique perspective

I have no connection with Trump Administration. I am half way across the globe, either way from America. Infact I sould be the last one on earth to be worried about oval office, as I have nothing to do with it. Yet, world wide web doesn't allow me to sleep at night until I see all the videos of Trump and his crazy deeds of the day, mainly because of X, FB and Youtube Reels. I have no connections with Russia as well. Except I still love the "Vassilisa the beautiful" The fairy tales, about Ivans, which made me a reader when I was in primary school. The first "Big" book I have ever read on my own out of curiosity. This background is only to introduce the fair political and geological perspective I have about everything happened in the Oval office in that one and only interview. As someone in Europe America or Ukrain would not see what I see from here.

Listening to US president

I am sure there are many more analysis. But I was more interested in something President Trump said. Which is when he warned President Zelenskey that "You do not have the cards here" just like they are playing a cardgame. "Gambling with World war 3". And Ukrain president responded by saying "I do not play card games". But that there I see another lie. Infact I think, that is exactly what is happening. Presidents in countries should know that they are playing a dangerous card game. Not just money involved, they play with lives of people. And when you know this you will be careful of your conduct. War and destruction and femine should be avoided at all costs. And trying to fight an enemy thousand times stronger than you is, just foolish, not bravery. True bravery is to identify where all these stupid ideas comes to our minds in the first place. So, I would trust Trump more than Zelenskey, regardless of what he represents, as he has proven infront of the world that he is a lier. Infact he would never be a true universal ruler. And I thank that he is only president in Ukraine. Imagine he was president of USA? Then I would closely follow everything as he would surely start a nuclear war, as he posses all the "Cards of the Game".

This made me understand why although seemingly crazy Trump was elected not once but twice. He doesn't lie about his game. Others appear about things they even do not know, hide their evil intentions, behind fake faces. A idiot who talks true is better than a saint who lies right? It is ancient wisdom as you can read about the story of the thief who did not lie.

I will end the article here. I am sure lot of Americans and everyone else have different point of views than this. Specially good Ukrainians, who are involved. All the wars start in minds. So, lets be careful when we sow hatred in the first place. But I am open for truely enlightening discussions, as it is always a necessary risk to offend you to bring out the truth.



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