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Life and death - Philosophy

Monday Tuesday wendesday Thursday..  back again to Monday. We used to sing all day long. When we were kids. We learned about months of the year, and the colors of the rainbow. It seemed easy to remember when rhymed. And kids have just discovered it is cyclical. It is the same thing starting over. And I having a philosophical and mindful ear and heard it otherwise.

What if it is wrong! What if nothing I cyclical? And there are plenty of things to show infact that is the case.

A goldfish swims beside green stalks with one pink flower against a blue background, casting shadows on a sandy surface.
Swimming life

The case of the days.

It is true by convention, we have decided days of a week, to be cyclical. And that is one of the most arbitary and bizarre invention of human kind. Why seven days? We know today never comes back. But we assume Mondays will come. Another week will come. But is it correct way to understand the world? A day would never come back, yet we say it will. 

If you go to the space station for a month, you would notice bizzare nature of days doesn't end there. Days are only applicable and make sense to the ones who are on earth. In space you cannot have days, unless you think like an earther, and take your watches there. So when we inhabit Mars, our system would need adjustments to the Mars rotation as well. We can't have earth days on Mars.

This simple fact will make us understand, even years and lightyears, seconds and minutes are defined relative to something. Yes, there are days and there are not.

Yes, there are seconds and there are not

Yes there are weeks and there are not.

Can you see the problem, we cannot understand any truth if we chose to believe and live in a lie. Let us understand and observe this truth about non, cyclical nature of time. Or unidirectional nature as scientists call it.

Person floating in the ocean on a red and white ring, while a black stingray swims nearby. Blue water and dark land visible.
Floating life

Kids names and adult names

From counting days, kids move to a different question. It is amazing how there minds create novelty. And here I am stealing there ideas. It is true, we all steal from our teachers, parents and everyone around us. 

So, kids wanted to know about names. Their question went like this. "Dad, was your name the same when you were a kid?" And obviously it is. Then they say "If that is so, then everyone has a kids name".

Can you see the similarity. It is just like the weeks of the day. It is like we are reusing Monday. You cannot name all the 365 day's of the year with different names. Nobody would remember as our attention and memory span is very limited. We would have to carry a chart, everywhere if we tried that. Similarly, we cannot use a different name for each day. I cannot be Tom on Monday, Tim on Tuesday. So we use the same name. But this convention hides true fact about ourselves. Infact we ourselves posess an ever-changing function which is called life. Yet using same name hide the fact of changing selves. It should be a different name for each and every second. What about for every millisecond? After all a lot of things about our bodies changes in a micro second. Yet using same name hides this fact. And makes an illusion that something persisted over time. Infact, what was there was ever changing function.

Pinnacle - about life and death - philosophy

Two small boats on a calm, light blue lake under a cloudy sky with a moon in the background. Peaceful and serene ambiance.
Rowing life

We have built a strong base for our pagoda with our argument. Now it is time to add a pinnacle. How about death? Can we understand death with above wisdom? If all what is called life is ever changing function each fraction of time, death is just another arbitary state. It's not you lived and you died. You by your name wasn't there to die. You didn't persist even for a second, its just an illusion created by your name. If you haven't persisted, what is going to die? Can you see how the illusion of death creates in our mind? 

If you ask me what is death then, I can only say, it is just life, just different ends of the same stick. Life is death, death is life. And both are creations of our minds. Which we cannot convert to a true meaning.


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