I have been wondering about this in my mind since I have started my twitter account. I like following people and what they have to say. Not only in twitter, in many other aspects of life I have seen myself as a follower, in a world everyone teaches us to lead and command.
Leading and commanding takes energy.

Following is easy, following leads us to a low energy status which is stable. This phenomenon is seen in everywhere, in chemistry. biology, astronomy, physics.
A ball on a slope will roll down, like water flows into the sea
Birds will follow each other, as we've seen on channel discovery
Sun will burn itself down until one day collapse into a black hole
While its hydrogen reacts with helium to give us light energy

You would argue that it's not always the case. Sometimes there is backward flow. True, after all water should get to the top of the mountain for it to flow down. As an example, your room always gets messy after a while (High in entropy) which needs to be arranged with energy. Obviously, that's why leading and commanding comes with lots of energy demand, and many choose to follow instead.
So, what can we learn from this? Should I command or should I follow? Which one is better?
If we think carefully about each of these, we will see, they are just two states, there is no good or bad in either one of them. Just two natural processes. Problem arises if you tried to value one over the other.
So, your messed up room, at the end of the day is as good as it was in the morning when your mom tidied it for you. But please, don't argue with her, just clean it and have a wonderful kind mindful day.

To be the water that flows
I intended to be the water
and take the shape of your cup
be a rain and fall from the sky
and flow and follow every drop
To join the sea one day
Where I will rejoice and stop
In the mighty sea when its my home
You wouldn't find me ever
Will forever be lost.

Thank you for reading Leading and following the rule of nature - mindfulness.
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