A collection about dreams.
These are tweets from the twitter. And it's time to dream.
Contributed by @IgorMarynowski
Contributed by @IamSaymi
Post 1
Today's theme is dreams.
Everyone has one
Everyone chase one
Everyone dreams one
ElonMusk has an Outerspace one
A writer has a readable one
A Politician has a cunning one
I've just made a magical one

Post 2
The dreamers (2003 film)
The dreamers dream about dreams.
Dreams are just dreams
There is no truth about dreams
You can work walk and dream in a dream
But If you have committed a crime in a dream
Its Time to wake up
Wake up before you are punished in your dream
Post 3

Post 4
@mgmindfulliving had only 41 Followers !
I feel like going back to my 6th grade clasroom.
We had 42 students and my number was 42
Here I am doing it all over again.
Starting small to conqur the world
But it all started with a classroom dream.
HAPPY CLASSROOM DAY! (Of course its imaginary)