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Information sphere.

From the morning till night, we are bombarded with information. It is news, from newspapers, from radio, from television. Information from the boss, files on your desk, information in your email inbox, and on your phone. Our lives depend on information. What are the patterns of these vital information?

Building an information sphere

Let's imagine that you are in a classroom. And you are taught biology. On structure of cells, cell walls their composition. Internal structure and function of these individual parts. Function of a cell as a whole. And the information travels to our brain as sounds. Visuals which make a structure or a concept of a cell. Ever since you gained this knowledge from time to time you will hear about cells. Different versions of it. Plant cells, cancer cells, single and multiple cellular organisms. The information will keep on adding. And they will help you to model the world with this new knowledge.


In every field this is the same pattern which happens. Pieces of information get together to build a large structure of knowledge. A model of the world. And this model of the world is inside us all the time. Whenever we see and understand new concept, we Assoicate it with our existing model. Imagine you started studying molecular biology and, whatever you have learned in your introductory class about the cell will have influence on how you proceed.

After some time we will forget that these are models of the world. We would keep on adding new information to our existing model hoping somehow it will make sense. But I have never seen anyone who had been successful in doing so.

Information spheres of the world.

Mathematicians see the world in functions, changes, and numbers. They solve infinitely many equations to answer infinitely many possible questions. And the discover more and more beyond the boundaries of current mathematical model. And even win the Nobel prize when they find a new dark hole.

Engineers use mathematics to solve real world problems. Already solved ones and new ones as they arise. They expand current understandings in electricity magnetism forces and beyond.

Chemists and biologists get together to understand life, new chemical reactions, discover new material and add to their chemical world.

There are hundreds and thousands of these models of the world. Collectively and individually in each one of us there is a model of the world.

building towers

The meaning of life

So, if we ever want to figure out what the meaning of life. We will have to look beyond the model of the world. How can we do that as, the tools we use to Analyse the unknown is the same as the ones which we used to build these models. Meaning all sensory inputs we get from our sensory organs. This information ball is our prison. When I discussed in the article prisoners of mind, I introduced the same concept. We all are imprisoned inside us, inside our bodies and inside our information world.

Sometimes I imagine breaking out free, Break out free like a bird into the sky. From the prison of my own information sphere.

If it would mean to give up this body, I wouldn't mind

If it would mean to give up my money, I wouldn't mind

If it would mean to give up a carer or anything I have built I wouldn't mind

Imagine what would it mean to give up all that information world

There would be no one to judge, nothing to argue, nothing to gain and none to loose.

Would time exist in such a world?

The craving to expand the information world will be lost.

I invite you to imagine of such a place where there is no you but you.

sphere on beach


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