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How to create the best outcome for life? Mathematical Function

Do you want to know what creates the best outcomes for your life? Let's imagine you don't and try to figure out this problem. So, what is the best way?

First, we will see what the meaning of best outcome is. Then we will examine an analogy to understand the variables involved in producing best outcomes. And finally, strategy or formula to do that so.

A man climbing a rock mountain

What is the best outcome a person could have from his life? Happiness, a satisfaction, a feeling of accomplishment? Whatever it is, most of us will come out with a non-physical object. A feeling, maybe a calmness, peace or hope. And mind you, this outcome that we expect from our lives, can be markedly variable. Of course, greatly influenced by our culture, religion, ethnicity and many other believes.

Outcome -> is a feeling (which is interpreted by a thought)

Next task is to think about how this outcome is generated. The best example is to look the similarity from a function. If you work in mathematics, you know what a function means, really speaking it doesn't matter which field you are in, as we use functions in every field. Imagine you are a software engineer, relate this to a function written in C. Imagine you are working in a coffeehouse; you can relate to a coffee machine. Basic structure of a function is as follows.

Input -> (function) -> output.

A coffee machine

The inside of a function is often not clear to us. Mathematicians would know exactly what is going on in each step when they evaluate their inputs from a function.

Eg : following is a simple mathematical function.

f (x) = 2x + 1

for input x=1,

f (1) = 2 (1) +1 = 3

output =3

for input x=2,

f (2) = 2 (2) +1 =5

output =5

More importantly when functions are getting more complicated, we would not know what is going on inside, but the input and the return or the output is only visible to us. This is true for most of the programming functions or even the Coffee machine. We just click some buttons and function inside the coffee machine does the magic and your Capuchino is ready to be served. This is data Encapsulation (link) in action.

Eg : function in a program in python

def mathfunction(x):

return 2x + 1

(Here I have defined the above math function using def keyword and mathfunction as the function name, the user of the function simply can "call" the function with input value and it will output)





a  python

Similarly, we are complex, it seems we do not know exactly how a thought is generated. Often, we can see that our inputs we get from our sense organs. And next moment we are thinking about it. These inputs can be coming from our past memories as well. Now, Is it really important to know what the coffee machine is made of to generate a good hot coffee for you? I would say it doesn't.

If the best outcome for life is a sense of accomplishment, I would say only variable we can change is what information goes into the machine. As that is the only way we can make a good coffee. Fortunately, or unfortunately, we do not access to the machine language.

So practically if we want best outcomes, we need to change what input information that we feed in daily. And this insight will help us to live a fulfilled life. It may be books, lectures, or good friends, if your life hasn't been good so far. It's time to learn a new subject and see the outcome. Choose wisely what you are going to input into your machine.

a girl keeping her head on table

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