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How to be a constant, in the equation of life and Nicholas Tesla's Nonphysical phenomena

Revisit the Equation of life.

I am sure there is an equation for life. And I am sure it is so complex, that we would not understand all of it. We know parts of this equation, like formulas for calory burnt in the body, and Glomerular filtration rate (Amount of fluid filtered in the kidney per unit time) Imagine all these combined together to form a giant equation. Previously I have discussed such equations, in the article modeling the world in a mathematical function. And I explained such a function should be a continuous function. And anything stable in the answers we get from such a function is that answers are bound to change moment by moment. Here we are going to think about the equation of life in a different manner. I am sure if you are someone with a mathematical sense you will enjoy the following discussion. I am going to compare life boldly with the anatomy of an equation.

equation of life

Parts of equation

Let's imagine an equation of life. On the right side, of the equal sign there would be terms, which consists of Constants and variables connected by operators. And all we want is our life to be stable.

Life = Happiness + relationships + freedom + etc. + etc....

Happiness = Income + Expenditure + Expectations.

So, to have a stable life, we need steady income, steady expenditure (which is less than income) and fulfillable and fulfilling expectations etc. I am sure they are consisting of variables and constants. Given the choice we would all be constants, as inherently we do not like the unpredictability. And this is why stock markets are risky, as their gains and losses are not always behaved as we expect them to. Given a choice, I would want steady happiness in my life. So, what is better? Becoming a variable or a constant in an equation?

If we consider ourselves as hypothetical perfectionists, we all would want to be these constants in nature. We would want to have a good health throughout our lives. We need a place to live, a house of our own, where we could come home and relax every day. We would time for ourselves daily, where we can think about steady progression of life achievements. However, they seem to be a supernatural dream, as always, the nature tries to put chaos, into our routines, while we crave for a constant, flow. I have compared this phenomenon to a canoe ride to a cruise ship ride earlier in the article why peace is ultimate happiness. All we want is to be in a cruise, however, always we get crashed by waves, like a canoe rider. Where did we go wrong?

Thinking about constants.

I think the part of the problem lies when we think about constants. Constant is an abstract idea, which itself imaginary and platonic. Hence when we say "life = 7" (you can put any constant here) think about what it means. What 7? If you look at the world you would not find any constant to put in any equation. 7 is a constant only by convention, as in mathematical language we all agree it represents the same thing. However, the truth is it doesn't have to be, and it does not. Imagine 7 is apples, they will rotten in a day. Imagine 7 is diamonds, they too will get destroyed when the earth does, or when they are cut to fit into Jewlery. Imagine 7 is a position in the number line. That is a constant right? Wrong. If you choose different position to represent to 0 and everyone will agree to this, 7 may represent something else. Can you see the problem? We cannot point out to a constant without artificially fixing some zero, by agreement. Which means it is just imaginary.

equation of life

If you do not agree with me, there is some great book written by Rupert Sheldrake. "The science delusion: Freeing the Spirit of inquiry." he discusses some scientific Dogmas which keeps the science from advancing. And the ideal of constants never change is one such dogmas. And he goes into explaining Big G in our gravitational equations to illustrate the fact that it has changed over the years, and it stopped only when we fixed it by convention by agreeing on some other definitions. I have discussed the same phenomena with the definition of time, in the book, What is time?

Even if you do not understand the single word of the above paragraph, it does not matter. But the main idea can be summarized in following manner.

Summary so far.

  • Even in science, constants are changing its values often.

  • In mathematics constants are constant only because its imaginary and platonic -> imaginary numbers.

  • In equation of life searching for a constant is a futile task, understanding this is the key.

You may argue, I am wrong. Maybe I am, as what I will tell is just another relative changing truth, in your mind. Maybe Rupert Sheldrake also made a huge mistake with those bold claims, about constants in nature not being constant. He had lot to lose when he wrote about those controversial topics, as some label as "Pseudo-science". However, look at what Nicholas Tesla said a century ago, on science and its future. And it is time critical that we start doing what he visioned a long time ago. Maybe we are too late, maybe you are not.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena; it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” ~ Nikola Tesla

So, it's for you to save the science, from its doomed fate?


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