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How I made a new word.

How I made a new word.

Recently I learned that the language is a tool. It is not the perfect tool but a good enough tool to pass a message and do some math. Hence, I wanted to little experiments I decided I should make a word. So, without further thinking much I created a word. Following is one.

A new word.
New word.

And if you search the internet, there are loads and loads of new words or 'slang' developed daily. And who makes them? People? A secret agency? And how do they make these words. Often it is by combination of some other words.

Have I made a new word before?

This is not the first time that I have tried to make a new word. In the past when I was a kid I had a whole new language made up just for myself. And I had a book written completely from this language. It was similar to my mother language, that I used special symbols to represent each and every letter in the alphabet. Hence, technically speaking it is not a new language but a secret code. Funny fact Is now I can remember I even was able to write in this language after memorizing all the letters. Unfortunately, there was no-one crazy as I am to continue the crazy code. Hence maybe I lost the interest after some time. But, no, I haven't made a new word before.

How I made a new word.

Why should you make a new word?

But after decades, as an adult, yesterday when it occurred to me there is no word for what I felt. I felt like the Great Thomas Alva Edson, or the famous Shakespeare, for a fraction of a second. A happy place which lasted for a fraction of a second. Just like a poet, who enjoys re-reading the masterpiece, just like the Michelangelo, looking at his 'David' the next day he finished it. I took a moment to rejoice the simple accomplishment that I could add one word to million words already there. I am sure it would not last like the rest of the bunch. And I have no doubt It will never come to a dictionary. But does it matter? No, as nothing lasts forever in the world in the universal time scale. So, Even English is subjected to rules of the nature I am not worried. It would serve a purpose.

Hence, to prove my point, and to kick my fraction of a second happiness into a minute I wrote the following Poem.


In the middle of last night.

While I was retired on the couch.

Dozing off sleepozing.

Noticed, I have been looking for you

For a long time


Except within myself.

So, with this experience, I invite you to make a new word and comment it here. So that it will not get lost in the past, the void.

Following is a list of new words

Oversnoozed: Oversleeping after hitting alarm snooze few times.

Wakesomnia: When you fall asleep just fine but consistantly wake up too early.

Groob: An insane philosopher

Souli : A soul that belongs to me

Blabbler :An textural item added to an otherwise consistently smooth food, particularly in ice cream.


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