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Grandfather paradox and mindfulness solution

Why paradoxes exist?

Do you want to know why paradoxes exist? It's simpler than you think. And in a matter of seconds, I can give solution to all the paradoxes in the world. Do you want to know the answer?

Paradoxes exist only because the reality itself is an illusion.

I am sure you have no idea what I am talking about. And reading one or two articles from magical mindful living would not give you the full extent of the above statement. In fact, what is more likely is you will think it is absurd, and I am mad. Ah for that matter I recently had checked with my doctor, and I am in perfect health. Not mad at all. Maybe little depressed as I am still shell-shocked from the truth myself. But every paradox that exist is a messenger to the truth. And I can show you that above is a rational conclusion not a statement from a madman. And here we can discuss why.

Elderly man with glasses in a brown jacket, standing outdoors. Green fence and garden visible in the background. Calm expression.
Grandfather: Your future:

Grandfather paradox and possible solutions

In my book, what is time I did write about the grandfather paradox. But I haven't discussed any solutions. I did not think seriously enough at that time as the wisdom was still small. Now after writing 400 articles on Mindfulness, after seen many contradictory arguments that leads nowhere, I can come to above conclusion. Let's look at grandfather paradox.

Imagine a time Traveler, from future goes to a time where his father is not yet born. And kills his own grandfather. As the paradox suggests, then there would be no time traveler as time goes forward. As he would never be born. And it means that he cannot come from the future and kill his grandfather. Then again this suggest he would be born. And there is no end to this loop. And that is a paradox, something which contradicts itself.

There are several answers to this paradox. If you are interested, you can read any other article except this one from ocean of world wide Web. As I am sure there will be a thousand solutions to the above. Some suggest time travel is not possible. Some say there are parallel worlds. Some say there is nothing called time. And the latter is more inclined with the above answer of mine.

Mindfulness solutions to grandfather paradox.

Now let's get back to the paradox. Where does this paradox exist and why?

For me it exists only in my mind. And only when I think about it. Just like the concept of time. Time exists in my mind, when I think about yesterday. Or when I remember what happened just a second ago. So, this is why in the book what is time I have written a new definition for it. "Time generates in consciousness as a consequence of comparing two thoughts, as a feeling" Just like any other mental object this is an approximation of a reality we can never know. So, If everything in this relative world is made up of abstractions, is there any absolute truth?

Now I can give you some more truths about the grandfather paradox. For us to have this paradox first we have to assume "Grandfather's do exist" Have you ever thought about it? In the article objects of mind, I have given a clear explanation on this. What is grandfather to you is, father to someone else and husband to another, while it is a son to Some other consciousness. So, the abstract concept of grandfather is only a relative truth for an individual. What about time? Does time exist? If you have read the article on quicksilver, you would know that time is also a concept our minds create. Another approximation of a reality. What about language? Are we getting anywhere with this?

I can only laugh at myself when I see with mindfulness about the mind. My mind has created a paradox out of assumed truths of abstracted concepts about a relative world. And with all seriousness I can laugh about all the professors who had been spending so much time trying to solve these idiotic problems the mind creates. I could have been a one. Fortunately, the universe had other plans and here I am tackling with my own mind where all the readers of this blog lives. Hoping this would be your universal call for action to get away from paradoxes of life with mindfulness.

Thank you for reading. Follow the links for more insights.



2 days ago

A friend was telling me about how her daughter is super stressed at her job. And we were discussing how wild a concept it is that a job can be so stressful it makes you physically ill. But… someone can quit a job, and like an on/off switch, the source of the sickness goes away. Too bad ii’s nit that simple.

Replying to

Its not that easy like a turning a switch on and off. I know people who can, like if it is something you have not invested too much. A farmer can quit and become a Blacksmith easily. But can a pilot quit and become a singer instead? It is really difficult, when we are far away in specialised jungles. I call this Loranzo attractors in chaotic jungle. We are in seemingly streamlined pathways, and afraid most of the time to go back to the mainstream current. It is like becoming a teenager at 40, to start climbing the ladder again. But, I like the saying that Life really starts at 40. I think only few people have done this ever…


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