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Good and evil - Megamind - philosophy

Have you watched the movie Megamind? As you already Know I am a fan of animation films. I used to sleep at 5 am watching movies all night, and go for lectures, when I was in university. Yes, it seems pathological, but it happened. I never thought I would write about those movies after a decade later, but here I am. Writing philosophy based on movies I have watched. This is another such episode.


In the movie, the super villain Megamind tries to win against the Metro-man, who is the superhero. And again, and again they fight in battles after battles, and Megamind loses every one of them until one fine day, when Megamind was able to defeat and 'Kill' the Metro-man. The movie is about what happens after that.

Once the Metro-man is down, the Megamind, after playing some havoc, in his newly conquered Metro-City, gets bored, and spend time miserably. Until another villain appears. Who is eviler than him. What happens after that? Well, now he had to become a hero and start saving the Metro-city from this pure evil. And he does at the end, with some help from the Metro-man. Alright, this is not a good summary of the movie, I agree, but enough for the purpose of discussing some philosophy.


Beyond Good and Evil.

If you look carefully about the fact, when compared with the evilest, the evil seems to be good. So, this is commonly found phenomena although massively ignored. If you read my previous article of vegetable story, you may already know the fact that, becoming a bad vegetable in the good pile of vegetables is better than becoming a good vegetable in the stinking pile of vegetables. I have given several examples in that article, but here is another.

It is common like in our country, elections are corrupted as well. As often it happens when there are only corrupted politicians are in both governing party and the opposition, we have to choose between the less corrupted one. However, compared to another affluent country, that is not a good choice, but people would not understand that. The unfortunate situation is although it is a simple fact, the pattern has repeated over many times in the history of countries, until thousands are killed of wars or famine, when only the people make their own movements for better governance. But, already too late for prevent the tragedy.


Now it is time to ask What is the message? What is the Megamind philosophy?

One fact is Good, and evil is not simple as two sides of a coin. Often it happens it is a spectrum, like all the other spectrums of nature. Even the time would tell that some things we thought good earlier would lead to evil later. A good example of turnover of generations from a affluence to poor. "As we passed through hard times, we build a nation which is triumph in success, our next generation is not having those hard times, and they would continue to be successful, but for our Childrens of children, life would be too easy that they will lose everything, and hard times will come back earthed again."

Another fact is that when what we think 'good' is really bad, when we compared with another good thing, can we call it good? It seems relative, as always there is something better. Even good seems to be hiding some evil!

These are just facts for you to think about in understanding the nature. It is obvious they cannot be argued, true in a trail. Hence, the practical value in day-to-day life is limited. That I think is the beauty of the philosophy and our consciousness, so that we can stretch our boundaries of wisdom without harming others. So, Follow the rules!


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