Getting ready for exams.
Well, if you are looking for advice, for passing your exams, maybe I have a few. I have written few articles previously about pomodoro, techniques and blooms taxonomy. Here, I will give you another tip. I used to do, when I reached somewhat closer to the exam. It was my intuition from following observation.
I observed that when very close to an exam, the ability of my brain to comprehend and remember improves markedly. It may be associated with all the hormones which play mayhem, near the exam. And even if I haven't studied much during the semester as I would want, these last few days mattered most. And they really helped with exam. So, I wanted to use this hidden power.
So, whenever I wanted to study, I would imagine this is the day before exam. What would I do? What would I do if tomorrow is exam? What would you do if tomorrow is your exam?
Would you party? with your friends?
Would you spend time watching TV/ Netflix?
Would you do boring self-study sessions?
Would you make heaps of notes? if the exam is tomorrow?
No, it will automatically occur to you what you should be doing if tomorrow is your exam. You would cram and cram. You will cram a lot. You will go through all your notes. Try to read all your study material. I think you will not waste any time. You will try to remember important stuff. Your brain will start to notice patterns which you did not see earlier, all the semester.
I would Do just that! I would just do what I would do on the last day. And mind you if you do this for 30 days in a row, you would be able to sleep 24 hours the day before the exam, or go to a party, when your friends try to do, what you have done 30 days in a single day!
That all about getting ready for exams, however, this article is not about them. I just wanted to show you the principle of thinking. Let's apply our little intuition about passing exams, to our lives. Shall we?
Getting ready for death.
What is the biggest challenge we all have to face? I say it is the challenge of death. Exams when compared is a minimal nuisance. And when are you going to face this challenge?
Truly speaking, we should be happy to be alive and healthy today. When life, is associated with constant threat of the death. That is inherently bound to it and limiting it. Death defines, what we can and cannot do. Reproduction is the natures, way of cheating the death. That is good enough at a population level. But individually as a consciousness, how can you overcome death?
What would you do? on the day before your death? (Can you see the similarity? It creates an urgency in our minds to correct our deeds)
Would you go to your attic, to look at your dirty painting of Dorian, for a one last time before it all end? Or would you correct your path and be a good man, a happy man, a free man for a good 24 hours? Irony is this is the truth for thousands and thousands of humans who are going to die tomorrow. Some of them know, some of them do not know.
It does not matter, your age, your ability, your status. For the nature, you are not special. As you are part of the nature, there is nothing wrong. Nature is not cruel, neither it is valuable. Questioning myself, a long before the exam, helps me with it. I suggest and invite you to apply the same principles to your life.
Live like today is the last day on earth. Correct your actions and be mindful about the seconds. Who knows, one day the nature would test us, without even a warning.