Sometimes twitter throws interesting thoughts at us. We just glance over them. Recently I started to bookmark them, just to go back and inspire myself. For example, See the following tweet.
Well, that is not the first time that question was asked and answered, or more precisely speaking attempted to answer.
The same question is answered in different ways,
How are we being sure life is a dream, or whether we live in a someone Eles's dream?
Are we going to wake up when there is death?
Is there absolute truth in the world? Or is everything is a relative truth?
Do we live in a world which is present on its own or, are we live in a world created by the mind when we were born?

Why Descartes is wrong.
Significant contributions to the above question come from French Philosopher and mathematician, Rene Descartes. In his book "Meditations on First Philosophy.” Descartes questioned the reliability of the senses in providing us with information about the external world and pondered whether we can ever truly know what is real.
He introduced the method of systematic doubt, where he doubted everything that could possibly be doubted, until he reached something that he could not doubt. This led to his famous conclusion, “Cogito, ergo sum” or “I think, therefore I am,” which asserts that the very act of doubting one’s own existence serves as proof of the reality of one’s own mind.
So, did he answer the question we are truly living? It seems that he only came to the conclusion that there is something called thinking. Even if we live in a someone else's dream, this thinking happens and that is a real phenomenon. Yet, we cannot come to conclusion that There is me, just because there is something called thinking.
If we forget about everything else, and just get the facts, Thinking is a verb, an action, a process, and on the other hand Me, essentially is a noun. Simply even if we think in terms of language there is a fundamental difference between a verb and a noun. They cannot be the same!
And that is a simple proof Descartes is wrong. "I think, therefore I think", is the only conclusion we can come from this. It doesn't provide a link between I and thinking.

Coherence as means of reality.
Moving on, In the movie inception, and matrix, they give the idea of how to live in a dream and to wake up one day to know that it is a dream. But when living in such a deep dream the characters identify that they are dreaming by identifying lack of coherence. Which means that when we live day to day, we know how we came by of some place. We know which are causes and effects, we see temporal relationships of things. But when we dream these are lacking, at one time you may be dining with your family to suddenly fall into a battlefield with enemy. Such things do not happen in our relatively true world.
Why did I used the relatively true world?
It is because, there are still unanswered questions in our relative world. Such as, How we came by this world in the first place. It is definitely not by my choice. I am not sure about you but definitely this is not my choice to be born to this world. Everyone knows if you are given a choice, we would choose best out of best for ourselves. So
Questions about death and afterlife similarly still remains unanswered.
So really speaking, so called coherence happens only when we are wake up and only from our birth and till our death. There are no observations for us about our relative world beyond these limits. It is impossible and if everyone claims as such, for now, we can label them as liars.
Being a flag in the wind.
Thinking about these great ideas of great minds, sitting on a step looking at the gloomy sky which is about to cry. I noticed hundreds of flags locals have hoisted on the premises. They slowly sway in the wind. Not going anywhere. Maybe the flags hold the answer to life. They are just there, and they do not own anything. They are alive just like me, so they move with the wind, so do I. They will be there until one day they worn out, So would I. They do not carry the burden I do.
So why do I?

I will be a flag.
To sway in the wind
This way and that way.
Am I not a flag
When I sway
This way and that way
In the blowing wind.
As I was looking for a conclusion, for the Descartes great saying, Ironically, I found it back from the twitter itself. And it was suggested by my great friend @wFozStories.
And I would like to make a little modification as well to make it more meaningful, by saying,
"There is thinking, therefore everything is, including I"