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Creativity gives you wings - Essay

Creativity Essay -Kids - Ultimate creative creatures.

Following is an essay on creativity - on What How and Why?

Have you watched kids playing? They are the ultimate creative creatures of the world. Give them anything they will create. Give them an umbrella, they will create an imaginary rain. Give them a pot, and they will cook a meal for you. Give them a box, and they will make a fire engine with it. Give them nothing and they will make a thing out of thin air. They would not draw what you want but just create a Chimera of one of a kind. I can only imagine one person who reach in potential closest to a Kid, and that is none other than Dr Seuss with His Cat in the Hat by his side. Just only the other day I have written about imaginary play. Here I am again writing about creativity. Why? Because I just realized I have been a victim of killers of creativity in the past.

Cat in the Hat Dr Seuss
@WFozStories - X

Killers of creativity

Have you felt a little hard to find the creative spark you seek lately? Maybe you are a victim of Creative killers!

Oh there are a lot of them. Killers of creativity. A kid who plays with her imaginary toys will be an adult. Only after their creativity is killed by the environment they live in. I would not say, Elon Musk for that matter any artist, is a childlike in creativity in an adult body. But I think their creativity tree is given a fertile soil and look what they have become! They have become the examples when we want to achieve success. In today's world there are opportunities more than enough. They would definitely be there for at least a good half a century into the future as well. Hence, I invite you to write a sentence, draw a one picture, or make a rocket out of a broom. It doesn't matter what your line of work, but you can be creative. But beware of killers of the creativity. As they come in disguise in different forms.

I have seen killers of creativity come as, Parents

They can come as family and friends

They can come as a laziness and procrastination

They can come as fear or your Boss

Killers of creativity are there in schools, teaching and in church Preaching.

They will be hiding in corners, to give you a drug and drag you to negativity.

Amy Winehouse, Freddie Mercury, Bob Marley, Jack London. Played with their lives.

Others who are like you and me, pay with wasted hours, to the Killers of creativity. Even The great Michel Jackson could not escape, even with all his wealth and tactics.

Even Jesus Crist could not.

So, I invite you to notice when they arise. Be mindful all day. And ignore and crack on with life, being creative is yours and mine gift to otherwise, a monotonous boring life.

More than ever, I see creativity killers, hiding behind our screens. Endless mindless scrolling which you and I succumb, are prime killers of creativity. If it doesn't add anything to your life, what is the point of scrolling dumb? Hence, write down what you notice, in TikTok or YouTube. And critically Analyse if it helps or not with your purpose of life. Do a Dopamine Detox if it helps.

Creativity gives you wings

Creativity gives you wings, for you to reach heights you did not think was possible before. That is the extra toppings to otherwise a boring cake. I don't mean literally when I say wings as I do not want to be in a court with you answering questions of the Judge. It is hilarious as someone did sue "Red bull" a 15 million dollars for not "giving them wings" physically as promised. I am sure they meant "creativity" wings. But there is enough stupidity to argue that is not what it meant. As a court room is not at all a place where creativity is understood. It is there in places of heart, in solidarity, and in company, when it is warm.

Red Bull gives you wings

It is never too late to write your first poem. First novel or test a new recipe. If you do not find your motivation, I invite you to practice mindfulness, and you start to notice inspiration is everywhere. Even in a grass which sway in the wind, or a drifting jelly fish. Or you can take a paradigm shift. Move to a different place, look at the world upside down, or go to a beach in an afternoon to empty your mind, to bring clarity and fresh perspective. Once you have done that, once you take a gap from the obvious routine you will see new paths. You will see patterns emerge from the chaos of life, where you can just drift in your canoe and enjoy the ride.

I am giving a lot of positive vibes here in this essay as the tone of my previous articles were a little neutral. If you do not feel like you are not in the flow of life, that is not because you are a different, and depressive person. That is mainly due to, you are not in the place where you should be. There is a right place for every one of us. And it is your duty to find that place and let that creative self out for the better good of all the human beings. Even at work, even at school even on road. Just because we are humans, creative creatures. And never forget, it is the same imaginary play of a child that we are doing as adults, hence no harm being creative.


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