Why it is suck to be a chicken?
I am no vegetarian, neither this article is to make you a vegetarian. Infact it may be the only time that word vegitarian might appear in this article. As it is philosophy we are looking at, we will first learn about why, life of a chicken seems suck.
Imagine a chick born in a chicken farm. It starts to live this chicken life in the farm. Of course without any predetors, and taken care of diseases, plenty of food throughout, except maybe a little bit of limited space and freedom, a chicken has nothing to complaint. As that is nothing as expected. Infact if you look at the point of view of chicken the life seems to be a very happy affair in the chicken farm. As long as chicken are not aware of their doomed fate. Let's look at this from the eyes of chicken, as shown in the film Chicken run.
Chicken run film Plot.
On a dreary egg farm ruled by the cruel Mrs. Tweedy, a determined hen named Ginger dreams of freedom. Her constant escape attempts fail until Rocky, a boastful American rooster, crash-lands into their coop, promising to teach them to fly (BTW I can think of so many Rockeis). Ginger sees Rocky as their ticket to freedom, but he's a fraud, a circus rooster shot from a cannon. Despite his deception, Rocky is drawn into their plight as Mrs. Tweedy invests in a pie-making machine, accelerating their fate. Ginger and Rocky train the other chickens, facing numerous obstacles, and eventually build a makeshift airplane. In a daring escape, they take flight, leaving the Tweedys and the farm behind, finding a peaceful island sanctuary.
Although it seems chickens wanted to run away from the meat machine, in the movie. Actual chicken do live in the farm relatively happily. Even in the movie, until when all the chicken understood their doomed fate, by information, they lived happily ever after for generations. It seem someone could have avoided the hustle if they do not deliver the bad news. And it is exactly what happens in a modern chicken farm. If animals gain consciousness of what we humans do to them, I am sure no human would walk on earth one day. And we can thank God for that matter.
Ironically what can be applied to the chicken can be applied to our lives as well. How can we say we are not implanted souls, in a chicken farm for someones consumption? We call Earth is our home, yet what if it is a gigantic chicken farm where the owners could harvest our souls when we loose it? How sure are we that death is not a creation of the terrestial life. Next generation of a meat machine? Let's put aside the dream, as it is highly unlikely. But the important problem is, we even cannot prove or disprove this kind of illusionary and bizzare question about afterlife even with modern equippment and science. So we are technically blind to the truths of nature.
But there is simple truth, a glimpse of hope about the chicken farm, from the same observation we made earlier. And that is the fear, comes from information. All the fear that you gained about the earth being a chicken farm created because of the information I gave you. Which is again not correct. So, it is this story which creates in our minds causes problems, when we hear about chicken farms day after day.
Simply saying, one possible solution is to, understand that there is no possible end conclusion that we can come, by arguing with illusions our own mindfulness creates. Maybe it is just a film after all which has nothing to be fear of and no one who is being afraid.