Since the beginning of this millennium our lives have completely changed with the rapid development of information technology.
From a civilization of books and mechanics we have moved into an era of software and AI wars and drone attacks. How many of us are involved with this coding, and teaching our machines how to function? Even a basic understanding is necessary for a business to flourish, and an article to be published, even for a prescription by a doctor nowadays to reach the patient. It is not only here in the developed world, but we can also see dance moves of rural African children in front of their homes, with smiles on their faces, to Michel Jackson's smooth Criminal.
It is obvious that programmers of the new era are very capable of what they are doing. Intel would develop more and more advanced processors with more and more in Gigahertz than previous generation, even by the time it reaches the client there are new ones being launched. Like a bunch of bees in a honeycomb, thousands of programmer's log into their workstations online and start building on hypothetical projects to attract the clients although they are separated physically, and without human touch for days. They factor and re-factor C++ codes of thousand lines long per day and Oh how good they are at their job! And at the far end of it, our senior engineers in Silicon Valley with PhDs and doctorates, brainstorm new ideas, to develop faster and faster compilers, and faster and faster processors, to give a fraction of a second advantage.
It is time to look back at ourselves, at the teatime and coffee. Haven't we done enough already? Aren't our processors fast enough already? Aren't our compilers good enough so far? And what can we learn from these artificial battles of 1s and 0s of the Boolean world?
Now let's look at the clients in this process. All they see is inputs and outputs. They see nice diagrams, windows and input fields on their user interfaces ( or forms ) hidden behind walls and walls of abstraction levels, ultimately everything represented by a string of Boolean values passed through a processor to give a meaning. And our software engineers are masters of this illusion, the Jack of all trade in data abstraction. And they hold the power to create a world that no one has ever seen before thousands of years into the past.
Let's look at ourselves now. We see some similarities, if our brains are processors and compilers and software, we can see our inputs as sounds, pictures and tastes. We can see our outputs as thoughts, cravings, greetings, hurting, moving, eating and drinking.
But are we masters of our machines? Can we code ourselves for the better? At least what is our programming language? Is it C++, Java or Python? Is it Mathematics, Philosophy or science? Is it religion, culture or nature?
It's a deep question for philosophers and thinkers, however for each individual to answer as we are already being replaced by the next generation of intel processors, some are developed in factories while some are already out in the market!
End of Part 1:C++ compilers and intel processors from programming to life
Part 2: How to program ourselves?