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Assembly lines and life before them.

Have you seen an #Assemblyline ? If you are working in a factory, it is more likely that you have seen one. And maybe you are already working in one.

Line of motorcycles

When we think about assembly lines, different images come to life, such as TikTok videos about 'Most lazy jobs in the world', or the assembly lines of second world War, where workers sing songs while making guns, or inside of Tesla or Toyota car manufacturing factories, where everything is run by automated robots.

factory smoke

Assembly lines have revolutionized our production so that the demands are met by, as everyone needs a car, a doll or a doughnut, there is a genuine need to be as fast as what we can achieve. When Henry Ford popularized and amazed the world with Ford cars, he also had just the tools which were necessary for his fast production line. He was the Elon Musk of his time, and he had made it possible by using an Assembly line, although it was already in use by meat processing farms in Chicago, even before that, in China.

assembly machine

But obviously there are problems. It is a fact that whenever we find something good for ourselves, we also find new problems. Is it a fact of nature? ( That is a topic for another discussion ) Let's look at some problems with the assembly line and, hopefully, it will make you understand why you are tired doing the laziest job in the world.

Assembly lines are fine if they are operated by robots. However, if there are people who are involved, then there will be boredom and poor job satisfaction over time. Imagine if you are underpaid on top of that because whatever the job you are doing can be easily replaced by someone else as there is no big skill needed. (Someone would argue it is modern day slavery) Whoever is involved in an assembly line is never able to see the final product, from beginning to end, and they will never acquire skills to make something of their own. Let's compare it with productions which we had before the assembly line and industrial revolution, and still prevailing in rural parts in some ways.

hand craft

Let's imagine a craftsman in a village who makes metal crafts. He will collect scrap metal from the city to bring it to his cove, and melt it by himself. He will prepare carvings with his fine tools on a piece of wood, to make molds, He will pour the melted metal into his molds and later make fine polishing and painting of the craft. You may have seen videos like that, where they discuss why some specific products, clothing and crafts, are so expensive. It is true that these craftsmen do not earn money as the owners of assembly lines. However, look more satisfied and content with what they earn.

Hot iron molded

What can we learn about life from these assembly lines?

If you are stuck in one, and feel tired, know that, maybe you need to let go of your creative self-craving to get away from monotonous nature. Listen to it, at least give some second option. After all, nobody would miss you, and you will be easily replaced. Secondly, be mindful about bottlenecks in your life. Which are side effects of these assembly lines and really can strangulate you otherwise. It is wise to be aware, and prevent after all before a crash happens, and production is affected. And our happiness can create happiness for those around us.


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